8 Signs That Your Children Need to Talk to a Therapist

Photo Credit: Ketut Subiyanto via www.pexels.com

Just like adults, kids can go through difficult periods. They have to face their parents’ divorce, troubles at school, bullying, grief, stress, etc. They don’t know how to express themselves, and sometimes even their own parents can’t recognise that something is wrong. We tend to think that all of this will pass, and it is just a natural phase of growing up.

Sometimes we have to face the fact that we can’t help our kids with their problems, and we have to seek professional help, such as looking for a specialist counseling children of divorce or a therapist to help them overcome anxiety. Here, you will find some universal signs that your children may need to talk to a therapist about their problems.

They Are Frequently Moody or Anxious

Sometimes, being moody or anxious is a part of maturing. However, frequent mood swings are not normal, and they could be indicating a deeper problem that needs to be addressed. If your kids are insecure, they might be too shy to express themselves or ask for help. In this case, it is better to talk to them in a calm and understanding way, ask about what is going on inside them.

They Avoid Talking About Their Problems

If your children tend to change the topics of conversations that seem uncomfortable for them to talk about or avoid talking about their problems at all, they might need help. This can be due to a lack of communication and trust with their parents. It’s better to seek professional help if you feel that your child is not communicating openly or being honest with you.

They Suffer From Insomnia

It is normal for kids to have trouble sleeping sometimes. However, if they have insomnia regularly, it might be a sign that something is wrong internally. They might have issues at school or home, or maybe something is bothering them, but they cannot communicate it. Besides, it might be the symptom of some mental problems, so it is essential not to neglect and timely react if your kids have trouble sleeping.

They Have Difficulty Concentrating at School

It is usual for children to struggle with concentration at school because of the multitude of distractions during classes. However, if your kids are constantly distracted and have difficulty focusing on their schoolwork, it might be a sign that something deeper is going on inside of them.

They may have anxiety issues that make it difficult for them to concentrate and focus on their schoolwork. Maybe something is going on at home that they struggle to understand, such as divorce or separation of their parents. Also, they may have some learning difficulties that go undiagnosed because they do not have the tools to express themselves adequately when it comes to these issues.

They Have Difficulty Making Friends

Children may struggle with making friends because of the multitude of social influences at school. However, if they are having severe difficulty making friends during middle school or high school, it might be a sign that they are greatly affected by something. Like with having problems with schoolwork, making friends might also be caused by anxiety issues. These issues might be related to social situations such as making jokes or engaging in conversations, or they could be related to other things such as bullying or socialising with strangers.

They Have Difficulty Expressing Their Thoughts and Feelings

This could be a sign that the way they are being raised does not provide them with the tools to express themselves properly. If you do not teach your kids how to communicate effectively, they will struggle with verbalising and expressing their thoughts and feelings. If they are not taught how to solve their problems and resolve their issues, they will struggle with coping with the situations.

Making Decisions and Problem-Solving Is Hard

Teaching your kids how to resolve issues correctly is extremely important. The kids who are not taught how to solve their problems are more likely to experience depression and anxiety later in life because they do not know how to deal with issues when they arise. If your child cannot find a solution for their problems or has a hard time making decisions, it might indicate that they are experiencing some deep feelings inside.

They might be suffering from some anxiety issue that makes it difficult for them to decide on things. If they are having difficulty understanding things and cannot decide what they want, this might be a sign that they are struggling with other issues, which is worth discussing with a specialist.

They Suffer From Bullying

Bullying is a common problem in school, and children can go through a lot because of it. If your child is being bullied, feels insecure and anxious, or something is bothering them, but they are not communicating it properly – it would be best to seek professional help to ensure that your kid will receive the support they need.


Although these signs can indicate various issues that your child might be facing, the best way to determine whether they need professional help is to talk to them about their feelings.

You can find out what troubles them and learn more about what keeps them from being completely honest with you. Sometimes, being an active listener and allowing children to talk about their problems and express themselves without judgment and expectations helps them feel better and start facing their problems more confidently.

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