5 Best Ways to Dispose of Furniture

Photo Credit: Angelo Pantazis via www.unsplash.com

Are you planning to move or reduce clutter in your home? If one of the things you’ll do is to get rid of that old, bulky furniture you have, it’s best to know your options.

How you want to discard it and how quickly you want to get rid of it can affect your choices. Below are some of the best ways to dispose of furniture.

  1. Sell used furniture online

If disposing of your furniture is not urgent, try selling them online. This method is easier and can also help you make extra cash. There are many online platforms where you can list your furniture for sale. Many of these platforms are also free and easy to use.

  1. Hire a skip

Hiring a mini skip is another excellent way to discard your furniture. Look for a reliable skip hire company available in your area to handle small to large loads of furniture for you. Skip hire professionals can help you save time if you want to remove the furniture quickly. They are also well-trained, and they handle the job with safety in mind.

But when hiring a skip, prepare the furniture and other stuff you want to get rid of before the skip bin arrives. Aside from that, free the area around the skip for easy loading, especially since most furniture is unwieldy and heavy.

  1. Haul it away

You can personally haul away the furniture you want to get rid of if a flatbed or pickup truck is available. But, decide whether to send it to a recycling centre, a landfill, or a scrap dealer before loading it up.

Most importantly, the disposal facility should know the amount and type of furniture you are sending over before arriving. Some recycling and dumping establishments are similar to garbage collection service companies that only accept loads under specific conditions or on particular days. Additionally, check the facility you are heading to determine their hours of operation.

  1. Give it to someone else

Aside from selling your furniture or hauling it away, you can also give it as a gift to someone else. Know whether someone in your family or friends wants your furniture. You can either post it online or bring it up during conversations. Those who want your furniture will even help you move it to their home.

  1. Take it to a scrap dealer

If your furniture has metal parts, such as metal chairs, bed frames, or tables, take it to a local scrap dealer. Some scrap yards even accept spring mattresses and recycle them. However, you should remove any cloth attached to them first.

Scrap yards pay more on non-ferrous metal furniture. To determine whether you’re discarding non-ferrous furniture, try sticking a magnet. They are non-ferrous if the magnet doesn’t stick. Tin is among the common non-ferrous metals used for furniture in the UK.


Overall, disposing of furniture can go a long way. So, it is best to know your options to narrow down the best choice. Consider the methods mentioned above if you’re planning to get rid of your furniture at home.

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