Top Tips For Creating Your Dream Pinterest Bathroom

Photo Credit: Cottonbro via

Pinterest is filled with stunning, perfectly shot and decorated images of homes that can make any homeowner green with envy. Renovations can be pricy, so it can be tricky to keep up with the rising costs of turning a property into your dream home. Most people will need to save for a while to be able to get what they want out of their homes.

Bathrooms are often tied with kitchens as places in the home that homeowners most want to renovate. Everyone’s idea of the perfect bathroom is different. Bathrooms serve vital functions in our lives, and having your dream space can dramatically improve your enjoyment of your home. If you’re finally in a position to fund your dream Pinterest bathroom, there are some things you’ll need to know and consider before you begin.

Know Your Dimensions

Knowing how much room you have to work with is critical to making the most out of the space. You should measure the bathroom thoroughly and accurately to make the best possible selections for additions and furnishings. It can help to use a floor planner app that lets you visualise what the space will look like.

It can be hard to picture what a bathroom will look like based on measurements of the room and furnishings, so having a visual aid can be invaluable. Floor planning apps can also be great fun to use, allowing you to switch around different elements and ensure that the space won’t be too spartan or cluttered when it is finished.

Think About Your Future Needs

Installing new bathroom fittings can be costly, and it is not a project you’ll be able to repeat often unless you have unlimited funds. You’ll need to ensure that the options you select will be what you want and need for at least the next five years or longer if you don’t anticipate being able to renovate again for a long time.

Things to consider include the size of your family, whether you plan to have kids (or more kids), or if you’re nearing retirement. All of these things can influence the features and design of the bathroom, so it is worth thinking about various eventualities.

Hire Competent Professionals

The professionals you choose to install your new bathroom will make all the difference to the finished project. You should look for a professional plumber with experience in renovating bathrooms, particularly if you’re doing major works like relocating the toilet or bath.

A handyman can also be beneficial for all the odd jobs that come with bathroom improvements. Better yet, consider looking for a handyman and plumber in one to save you from having multiple workers in and out of the house at different times. You can find some of the best UK handymen using the MyBuilder directory.

View Materials And Furnishings In Person

It is crucial to look at any materials, fixtures and furnishings in person to ensure they are precisely what you want. Even the best pictures online might not show how items look in person, so to avoid any unpleasant surprises, it is best to visit a hardware store or furniture shop in person to judge whether it is what you want.

Utilise Timeless Materials

As mentioned above, most people won’t be able to renovate their bathrooms very often, so it is crucial to choose timeless materials. With bathrooms, using white materials is often the best choice, as it will not appear dated in a few years. Colourful sinks, toilets and baths can be fun, but they can also show their age surprisingly quickly. Tiles are also a good option that looks aesthetically pleasing and won’t go out of fashion.

Get The Lighting Right

Lighting is critical to any bathroom, and most people choose a classic bright overhead light, as having plenty of visibility in the bathroom is crucial. A great way to make your bathroom stand out could be to include adjustable lighting, which can provide the right atmosphere for any occasion. For instance, you could have the classic bright overhead lighting that fades to a soft, relaxing brightness when you’re taking a luxurious soak in the tub.

Make The Space Relaxing

Relaxation is one of the most critical features of any bathroom. The bathroom serves many functions, from a space to prepare for the day ahead to a place to wash away the troubles of the day. No matter what the bathroom is used for, it is crucial to have a relaxing and calming atmosphere. This can be invaluable for starting your day out right or helping you unwind after a busy or stressful day.

There are many ways to make your bathroom more relaxing. Lighting is important, as mentioned previously, as is the overall décor. It is best to avoid bright colours in any room you want to relax in, as these can stimulate the mind, making relaxation more difficult. You could also consider adding some plants and greenery, whether real or fake, to boost the relaxing atmosphere.

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