Starting Your Day On A Positive Note: 5 Tips For A Good Morning

Photo Credit: Felipe Borges via

Most people start their day by waking up to the alarm clock after hitting the snooze button several times, rolling out of bed lazily, getting dressed, and dragging themselves out of the house with a toast in one hand, and a briefcase in the other. However, there are many ways to start your day on a positive note than following the usual patterns.

Even if you are not a morning person, you can be one and have an easier time waking up and starting your day feeling energized and mentally ready if you put in some effort that caters to your motivations. Here are a few unique strategies to have a better morning. Though one can’t possibly incorporate all five techniques, you can get started with one or two.

Every Morning is a Good Morning

There are three types of people—those who wake up early (morning-type person), stay up late (evening-type person), and fall somewhere in between (neutrals). So, what helps a morning-type person have an easier time waking up in the morning and seem more motivated to do so?

While there is no single answer to the question, some common qualities or characteristics seen in early risers include following a healthy diet, no caffeine in the evening, regularly working out, planning their day, and getting to bed at a fixed time every night. However, a few people wake up early because they suffer from sleep disturbances due to mental health concerns, aging, insomnia, and hormone fluctuations.

The Early Bird Experience

From healthier skin to improved mood and better concentration, there are many benefits of waking up earlier and using the morning to prepare yourself for the day. But, if you aren’t a lark, a morning-type person, don’t fret! Here are five ways you can start your day on a positive note.

Enjoy a Healthy Breakfast

Chances are that you have already heard this countless times before—breakfast is the most important meal of the day. By eating a healthy breakfast consisting of protein, whole grains, and healthy fats, you can gain benefits including better focus, more energy, fewer chances of being hungry throughout the day, and more.

Get Dressed

Getting dressed for the office is very important because your appearance can impact how you feel. Putting on nice attire will lift your mood, structure your day better, and prepare for meetings with a renewed purpose. So, keep aside sufficient time in the morning to choose the right outfit for the day’s weather/ climate or occasion. For instance, if the weather is sunny, or you will spend a significant amount of time outdoors, rock a pair of sports sunglasses.

Stretch and Meditate

Performing stretching, yoga, cardio, or any other exercise you like will loosen your muscles and increase the blood flow to your muscles. It will also help you connect your mind, body, and breath and prepare yourself for the day ahead. 

Consider meditating in the morning as it helps improve focus, reduce stress, improve emotional stability, and prevent common health ailments. If you have never meditated before, start with a few breathing exercises in the morning, and build from there.

Make Your Commute Productive

Commutes are often time-consuming and stressful. All the energy you wake up with in the morning starts to dwindle as the hour-long journey begins. An ideal way to get over this is by getting the most productivity out of yourself during the commute.

Maybe you are someone who likes your day organised. Then use your journey to make a day-ahead schedule. Alternatively, use the time to motivate yourself by listening to a podcast, audiobooks, a morning radio show, or watching TV.

Start the Day in Creativity-Mode

Before you get to the normal responsibilities of the day like reading emails, attending meetings, or listening to the news, do something more creative. This can be anything from drawing something to recording a video, writing a blog post, creating an infographic, or writing a chapter of your novel.

Live Your Best Life Starting With a Good Morning

Rising with the sun and sleeping when it’s dark offers several important benefits. However, humans have a pretty stressful life, and most of you might be going through something that prevents you from getting to bed early, such as working a night shift or staying out late. So, if you need to sleep a little longer to get enough sleep, trust your body’s needs.

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