How to Stay Connected to Your Children After Divorce

Photo Credit: Juliane Liebermann via

In this article we’ll talk through some ways that you can stay connected to your children following a divorce.

Divorce can take a toll on a family, but it doesn’t mean you have to let your relationship with them suffer as a consequence. It may be strange going from living full time with them to only seeing them on certain days, but unfortunately that is always going to a result of divorce.

For some, this idea often puts off the idea of divorce, but rest assured your children would rather see you when you’re happier alone, than together and miserable. With help from family law solicitors, visitation rights and arrangements can be put in place to ensure you see your children, even if your relationship with your ex-partner is rocky.

Parents who don’t see their children everyday as normal, often feel adrift from them in some ways that can’t always be helped. But there are certainly ways to ensure you stay feeling connected to your children, even when you’re not with them. Keep reading to find out how…

Make The Most of Time Spent Together

One thing that really stays with a child growing up is memories created with a parent. When you have your time with your children it’s important to listen to them and do the things they enjoy doing with you. This could include various hobbies and outings including:

  • Camping trips
  • Picnics
  • Fishing trips
  • Swimming
  • Teaching them a skill (i.e bike riding, music)
  • Movie nights
  • Baking together

If funds are low, it doesn’t matter. You can create a lot of fun with children with little to no costs by thinking outside the box a little. Make the most of parks around you, or simply build a fort at home and encourage imaginative thinking.

By creating memories together like this and making the most of your time together you can be sure that your kids will have memories to cherish forever and will ensure they feel connected to you even when you’re not around.

Be Proactive About Being Involved in Hobbies

Being present at activities your children enjoy is just another way to build on your bond with them. For example, if your children are involved with any sports clubs or are competing in school activities, being there to support them will ensure they know they can rely on you.

It can be an incredible feeling watching your children succeed and get better in something they love doing. It’s especially great if both parents can be there for them despite differences in a breakup or divorce.

By showing a united front in supporting your children, you show great maturity and will lead as an example to your children in dealing with conflict well.

Be Respectful of Your Ex-Partner

Whilst emotions can fly high during a divorce, and it can take a while for the dust to settle between you and your ex-spouse. It’s important not to let your children see or hear arguments as well avoiding bad mouthing them in private.

Your children will always look to you for guidance on what’s right and wrong, so how you treat others including your ex will impact them greatly. Children also tend to feel protective of parents, so by bad mouthing your ex in front of them, you could actually cause some awkward distance between you and them.

Arrange Regular Visits

Arrangements to see your children can be dealt with during the divorce proceedings but can often be arranged without the need for legal action. Unfortunately, for some parents, they can easily find themselves blocked by ex as children often become weapons in sour situations of divorce.

In this instance, you don’t necessarily have to go through courts to gain visitation rights or arrangements. It usually just requires a form to be filled out and a low cost to be paid.

If, however, you are on good terms and can come to an arrangement that suits both parents then sticking to these times not letting your children way is a great way for them to know they can trust you to see them.

Also, you don’t have to wait until it’s your turn to see them to speak to them. Facetiming is a great way to stay connected to your children in-between physically being with them.

Remember Your Important to Them

Sometimes it’s easy to doubt yourself and the important role you play in your children’s lives. Never forget how important you are to them in having a steady, loving upbringing. There is no bond such as the one between a parent and child and it cannot be replicated by anything else.

Despite perhaps, you and your ex-partner moving on with others, don’t fall trap to this feeling of maybe they don’t need you now, especially if they have another stepparent in their lives.

Staying Connected with Your Children

There’s no doubt divorce can present some challenges perhaps you didn’t foresee, but one of the most important things to take away from this article is to never stop pursuing your children.

Even if you’re up against some sour situations, you both have equal rights in seeing your children unless a court has ruled otherwise. By following some tips in this article, you can ensure you stay connected to your children, even when you’re not with them.

Please be advised that this article is for general informational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for advice from a trained legal professional. Be sure to consult a lawyer/solicitor if you’re seeking advice on divorce. We are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information on this site.

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