Christmas Parties Are Almost Here Again: Shopping Tips for Foster Teens

Photo Credit: Ron Lach via

There is always something so confusing about buying clothes for teens. Even though you are only a generation older than they are, somehow your taste in clothing doesn’t even begin to compare with theirs. Perhaps it’s time to take them with you so that you can meet somewhere in the middle. Besides, you can make a day of it and if you have foster kids whose taste in clothing you aren’t quite sure of yet, this might be the best option of all.

Hey Mum – Let’s Get It Right!

You can go absolutely insane trying to find something that appeals to you and your kids, but there has to be a happy medium somewhere in there, doesn’t there? Why not take them to a shop that only stocks the latest in designer clothing? Most of these offer fashions that are a bit more reserved than the apparel you find kids wearing on TikTok and other crazy social sites.

You do, after all, have that generous fostering allowance to spend, so why not give those kids something they will be proud of wearing to any party they attend? You have been saving it up for them to do something exciting. Well, this is the time you’ve been waiting for. Why not spend some of it on Christmas fashions they can wear to those parties this year?

If They Prefer to Shop Online – Technology to the Rescue

Maybe the kids prefer to shop in places where they like to spend their time anyway. What about a round of shopping at some of the sites that have that something extra to actually makes shopping fun? Many stores now use the latest Virtual Reality (VR) eCommerce platforms for imagining what those fashions would look like on someone based on their colouring and body type. It’s amazing just how realistic these views are, and your teens will have a field day playing around with the various holiday apparel in stock.

As each of you makes suggestions on how something would look on them, the laughter will start. To make the experience even more fun, when it’s your turn, put the virtual teen into something that their grandmother might wear to a party. However, don’t focus on the monitor in front of you. Watch their face to see the bewilderment there. As your laughter bursts free, they’ll catch the spirit, and this will be an experience they will always remember.

A Meeting of the Minds

In the end, if you can play around a bit with what might look good on them but also something that you can both agree on, it makes the time well spent. Sometimes you need to lighten up on what you feel is appropriate and other times it is important that they understand the way society works.

Actually, the trick could be in how it’s worn. You might agree on an exceedingly short skirt, for instance, if they were willing to wear it with leggings. Why not? There are sparkly Christmas leggings that would add that special holiday flavour. Bear in mind that kids want to be looked on as being in the height of fashion, so do let them have a say in what they wear – just get them to tone it down a bit. A meeting of the minds is always best.

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