Why a True Gentleman Should Wear a Waistcoat

Photo Credit: Duané Viljoen via www.pexels.com

The ideal style in clothes is formed from a combination of little things. A waistcoat is that necessary attribute of a gentleman’s style, without which he will instead turn into an ordinary office worker. Mens 3 piece suits are classics that have been tested for centuries, meaning that each of the elements of this set plays an essential role. Find out why a gentleman needs a waistcoat, and why wearing just a shirt under the blazer is insufficient.

How a Waistcoat Complements a Gentleman’s Style

Waistcoats are a universal element of men’s wardrobes as they look very stylish even without a blazer. Unlike sweaters, hoodies, or sweatshirts, the waistcoat perfectly emphasizes the physical form of its wearer. It makes a man fit and flawless. If you want to impress someone when you meet them for the first time, you can hardly do it in a sweater. But the waistcoat will perfectly help in this and many other tasks.

With a waistcoat, a man looks more self-confident and, therefore, successful. When people see an impeccably dressed man, they immediately get the idea that everything in this person’s life is under full control and tuned in harmony.

Buying the best mens three piece suit, you can wear it as a set or use each element separately. If you like an informal yet elegant style, try wearing a waistcoat with jeans. This combination is perfectly complemented by a scarf or bow tie. A man dressed in casual style will have a special charm if he combines a waistcoat with the rolled-up sleeves of his shirt.

What Are the Designs of Gentlemen’s Waistcoats

Designers have been experimenting with men’s waistcoats for centuries. Therefore, today, you can find many models that differ in the following criteria:

  • A number of rows of buttons;
  • The presence or absence of lapels;
  • Form and presence of pockets;
  • The form and deepness of the opening, and more.

Among the most popular gents waistcoat designs, you can find the following:

  • Single-breasted and double-breasted waistcoats;
  • Waistcoats with contrasting or made from the same fabric lapel;
  • Horseshoe waistcoat with a deeper cut;
  • Waistcoats with breast or waist pockets.

How to Wear a Three Piece Suit with Waistcoat

Buying a three-piece suit does not force you to wear it exclusively in one manner but only sets the right tone and standard. Then, you can experiment as you like to create your unique style. However, you should remember some rules to make your gents waistcoat style flawless:

  • To make the waistcoat fit you perfectly, you can pull it off slightly at the back.
  • A shirt should not be visible between the waistcoat and trousers as this will look sloppy and spoil the image of a gentleman.
  • The waistcoat must be fastened with all buttons, with the exception of one top or bottom button, which can be left unbuttoned.
  • You can wear a waistcoat of a different colour under your blazer. You can even combine the elements of the costume so that each of them will be a different colour. Traditionalists, of course, will argue with this, but if the colours are matched perfectly, this will give the image additional elegance.
  • With the help of a waistcoat, you can also visually lengthen or shorten the figure. If the bottom of the vest is straight, the man will look shorter. If it is peaked downwards, this will create the effect of a longer torso and disguise the tummy.


The best mens three piece suit should be in the arsenal of any gentleman. This is necessary not only to impress others but also to feel more emotionally stable and confident. The waistcoat adds to the men’s image of great impeccability and style. It is good both in a complete set and when worn without a blazer. In any case, you will look elegant, stylish, and successful.

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