How do you make a gallery wall look expensive?

Photo Credit: Monstera via

A gallery wall can elevate your room while showing personality and style. Whether you are working with photos or paintings, or prints, it can be quite difficult to make it look cohesive, let alone expensive.

Here are four rules to follow in order to make your walls look expensive and sophisticated:

1. Choose high-quality prints

In order for your gallery wall prints to look expensive, they at least need to be high-quality. Otherwise, your gallery walls may not look as appealing as you want them to be. There are many different prints available to choose from, so it’s essential you choose from high-quality materials that are available to you.

An important tip we can offer is to always look for high-resolution images to ensure you get the best product possible. It also helps when you purchase prints in a similar colour scheme to help them complement each other to enhance your environment.

2. Frame your gallery wall prints

When buying prints, it is always recommended to frame the art you purchase to make sure you protect your prints. It helps to choose the right frame, analysing your environment to get the right frame for your space. suits all types of environments. If you want to make sure that your room looks expensive, then purchasing a frame is highly recommended. It’s key to ensure you choose the right frame that compliments your art and your room, as colour and contrast theories play a key part in enhancing a room. If you want to be unique, there is always the option of mixing and matching different types of frames for your own look.

3. Consider the layout of your gallery wall

Not many people take the time to do key procedures to arrange their prints in a way that looks sophisticated and professional. All art enthusiasts should ideally take the time to consider their layout, as every room has its own unique layout and where things are placed. Experimenting to see what works and what doesn’t work in your room is a good option, and getting a second opinion from a friend is a good idea too!

It is advisable to always shop by room and keep an objective in mind for each room. To elaborate, every room should look and feel different, and art is a good way to set the vibe of a room. Shopping for premium art and frames can help to make your room look more expensive.4. Accessorise your gallery wall

A final tip would be to play with the accessories you already own or want to purchase. Accessories help to make your environment more sophisticated and expensive. It also allows you to show your personality and experiment with your space. Having a cohesive look in your home across all the rooms can help create that seamless blend of transition across each room in the house, telling a different story.

Make sure you carefully curate each room, whether it be thinking of the right colour for your cushions or lamps, there are lots of ways to enhance your space with accessories. To suggest accessories, playing around with lighting from a lamp to highlight your prints is recommended.


Making a gallery wall print look expensive needs attention and planning from the customer. Otherwise, it wouldn’t look as appealing as it should in your home. The first step is to start high-quality gallery wall prints that set your tone, and having them framed is the next essential step. Be sure to choose a suitable print and frame to compliment your room, and think about colour and contrast theories to enhance your space.

Experimenting with different arrangements helps establish a more cohesive look. Accessorising your gallery wall with items such as lighting, cushions, or lamps can further elevate your space’s overall look and feel.

Art customers are always encouraged to mix and match premium art collections and frames to create a seamless blend of transition across each room in the house, telling a different story. Every room has its unique layout, and getting a second opinion from a friend can help create a more professional and sophisticated look.

Incorporating these tips into your gallery wall project will create a beautiful and expensive-looking space and reflect your personality and style. So, stop the wait and start incorporating the tips in this article to help you enhance your gallery wall to reflect your tastes while still looking sophisticated and expensive genuinely.

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