Photo Credit: Belle Co via

Australia is a holiday of a lifetime. It offers so many wondrous sights and experiences and it is one of those rare places where you can have a marvellous time regardless of your taste or budget. In fact, this paradise location offers things that no other place can give you. Here are just four of them.

  1. Many landscapes in one country

Australia is the sixth biggest country in the world and also a continent on its own. On top of that, it is one of only a few countries that occupy the Southern Hemisphere. Its vastness and unique geographical location mean that it has many different landscapes to admire.

Whether you want to take in the snow-capped mountains, explore the biodiverse rainforests, head for the dusty deserts or see the incredible coral reefs, this place has something for you.

If you want to make the most of this varied landscape then taking a scenic train like The Ghan is ideal. It enables you to cover a lot of territory in a short time, meaning you will see more during your holiday. With opportunities to alight along the way and two major cities—Adelaide and Darwin—as terminals, The Ghan offers an experience of a lifetime.

  1. Wonderful beaches

One of the key things Australia is famous for is its beaches. In fact, this country has some of the best beaches in the world and as it’s an island, it has a lot of them! In fact, with 23,000 miles of coastline and over 11,000 beaches, you are bound to find the perfect place to sun yourself or take a dip in the clear blue water. Fancy being a bit more adventurous and catching a wave or two? Surfing is all the rage in this country and there are plenty of places to hang ten. Want something a little more relaxing but equally as thrilling? Go for a SCUBA dive and experience some of the incredible marine life that inhabits the waters off this country’s shores.

What makes these beaches even better? They are bathed in warm sunshine all year round. Heaven!

  1. Aboriginal Culture

If you are interested in indigenous cultures, then Australia will definitely be for you. Although Aboriginals only make up around 3% of the population, their culture is still revered and preserved to this day.

You can visit many places sacred to the Aboriginals here, including the infamous Uluru (Ayres Rock). Uluru is a large sandstone monolithic mountain that has played host to Aboriginal ceremonies for thousands of years and remains a place of spiritual reverence even now.

Other places of interest with indigenous history include Kata Tjuta, Lake Mungo, and Birrarung Marr, to name a few.

  1. Wildlife

The majority of Australia is still untouched wilderness. Yes, some of this is scorching hot deserts but there are also tropical rainforests, snow-covered landscapes, and wild bush areas. This is a country with a vast array of climates and terrains, meaning that Australia is full of diverse wildlife. Furthermore, as the country is an isolated island, many of the species here are unique and endemic. As such, it is no surprise that Australia is considered one of the most megadiverse countries in the world.

Marsupials such as Koalas, wombats and kangaroos are unique to this island. Cockatoos and kookaburras will also fly overhead and fill the trees with their chatter.

If the land animals are not enough for you, then travel to Cairns to see the Great Barrier Reef, which is literally teeming with marine life.

As you can see, Australia is such a unique and enigmatic country. It features at the top of many people’s bucket lists and for very good reason!

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