5 Things to Know Before Travelling to Australia

Photo Credit: Vincent Rivaud via www.pexels.com

Australia often seems like the perfect travel destination for UK citizens because it’s hot, has plenty to do, and the locals speak English. However, you still need to have a good idea about what you’re getting into, so we’ve put together this short series of things to know before travelling to Australia.

Get Your Travel Documents Early

If you’re travelling to Australia from the UK or the US, you’ll need to apply for an eVisa online, which will set you back around £20. If you want to read more about Australian travel visas, follow the link. As well as this, you need to have a valid passport that has at least six months left before expiring.

Even though applying for and receiving these documents is relatively quick, you should always make sure you have them secured well before your flights. After all, if either of these documents doesn’t turn up, you won’t be going to Australia.

Learn the Lingo

Australians speak English, this much is correct. However, if you don’t spend time learning the lingo, you’ll soon find yourself feeling like an outsider. Therefore, to have a decent conversation with the locals, familiarise yourself with conversational Australian English.

At times, you may feel a little overwhelmed, so don’t be afraid to ask questions about words you hear. For the most part, the locals will be happy to help you out, as long as you behave in a friendly manner.

Summer Is Different Everywhere

Everyone knows that Australian summers are hot, but that doesn’t mean it’s the same type of heat everywhere you go. For example, if you’re travelling around Perth, you’ll find that the summers are extremely dry. On the other hand, Brisbane’s summers ramp up the humidity. Alternatively, you can visit Hobart and you’ll notice the summers are fairly mild.

Pack Plenty of Sunblock

Even though summers are different across Australia, you still need to make sure you’ve got plenty of sunblock. Even if you’re trying to get a good tan, you’ll need to put sunblock on. Otherwise, you’ll soon find out about the harsh realities of the Australian sun. In some cases, you can feel the sun burning your flesh, and you’ll come away with blistered skin that will last a week or so. For those of you with really pale skin, you might be better off keeping yourself covered as much as possible.

Wildlife Isn’t Everywhere

Many people have a misconception about Australia, thinking that they’re just going to see a few kangaroos and koalas roaming the streets. However, the reality is far away from this because the majority of animals have moved away from city development.

People seem to think everything that moves in Australia will kill you, which is also far from the truth. Yes, there are deadly species in Australia but the country isn’t out to get you, which means you’ll most likely be just fine.

A vacation to Australia will be truly incredible, but you need to learn a little bit about the country before you choose where to stay and get packing.

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