How to refresh your garden for the wintertime 

Photo Credit:
Yaroslav Shuraev via

Our gardens can often look a little sad and neglected in the winter season. After all, who wants to be outside and shovelling mud on a dark winter night? However, even when the temperature drops, it’s important to still look after your garden so it’s ready for spring.

A little maintenance can go a long way in the wintertime. Throw on your layers, wrap up warm, and get outside for a spot of winter gardening. Here are a few things you can do:

Seasonal lawn care

Winter brings a slow growth phase for your grass – but this doesn’t mean your lawn care should hibernate. You should use a suitable winter fertilizer to feed your lawn and keep it healthy throughout the season.

Other maintenance tasks, like clearing the autumn leaves and debris, can help your garden look tidy even when you have put in little effort. And remember to avoid walking on frosty grass so you have a healthy lawn in the spring. This can cause the grass to lose its elasticity as the blades snap, and you’re left with brown foot-sized prints all over your lawn. It’s not the best look! Stick to the path and keep your grass in good condition.

Harvesting in the winter 

Winter doesn’t spell the end for gardening. It’s a great time to sow vegetable seeds and grow a variety of crops.

Hardy choices like carrots, beetroot, potatoes, and asparagus can thrive in colder conditions. To ensure a fruitful winter harvest, consider using high-quality vegetable seeds. Be mindful of potential challenges like frost and limited sunlight and take steps to protect your crops accordingly.

Techniques like mulching or using a greenhouse heater can protect your plants from the winter frost. Do a little research to see which approach fits your garden and veggies best so you can have a great harvest this year.

Furniture and Accessories for a Winter Wonderland

Imagine an outdoor seating area, complete with plush cushions, shawls, and blankets for those brisk evenings. Ottomans can serve as both extra seating and handy storage for winter garden accessories.

To extend the usability of your garden into the colder evenings, you could add a pergola, fire pit, or patio heater. These elements not only provide warmth but also create a charming winter wonderland ambience. Just remember to cover the furniture or bring it inside when you’re not using it to protect it from the harsh winter weather.

With the right love and care, your garden can still be used in the winter season. Create a cosy place to sit and keep everything looking tidy with regular maintenance.

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