Vitamin supplements: are they really worth it?

Photo Credit: Anna Shvets via

Since their release, there has been a split opinion on whether vitamin supplements work or are all placebo. The truth behind vitamin supplements is that most people do not have any need for them; it has been proven that if you have a balanced diet that includes enough of the essential nutrients such as Iron, calcium and vitamin C, you do not need to ingest further nutrients as it has no benefit. Throughout this article, we will be going through some of the most popular vitamins on the market, their advantages and whether you should purchase them.

Vitamin D

Enough vitamin D in your system is essential for healthy heart blood vessels and blood pressure. Some studies have shown that it might help you reduce your high cholesterol levels and, in some cases, reduce high blood pressure. To conclude, if you are overweight, obese or have a history of high blood pressure in your family, taking vitamin D could be the answer. It is important not to rely on supplements as they may work for some, but certainly not all, people. However, something else to consider is that studies have shown that taking vitamin D tablets will not help you “lose weight”.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is among the most popular vitamin supplements on the market. This particular vitamin is essential for a range of body functions; it benefits your skin, energy, bones and immunity. Most people get enough vitamin C from fresh fruits and vegetables, but if this is still not enough, taking vitamin C tablets will help, as severe vitamin deficiency could lead to scurvy. 

Vitamin B6

Also known as pyridoxine, it is a water-soluble vitamin your body needs for several functions. This vitamin targets the brain more than anything. It is believed that Vitamin B6 is used to reduce stress and prevent brain-related illnesses like Alzheimer’s. However, the research that supports these claims needs to be more consistent.

Vitamin B12

A vitamin B-12 deficiency can lead to anaemia, fatigue, muscle weakness, and nerve damage. This vitamin is essential when participating in any sport, as you cannot play to your full potential when you are fatigued. If you are a keen sportsman who fancies a discount, you can now enjoy a Nike discount code of 25% off to buy your sporting apparel. We typically get B12 through diet. Rich sources include beef, liver, clams, poultry, fish, fortified cereals, eggs, cheese, yoghurt, and milk. But you could still have a Vitamin B12 deficiency. If this happens, microdosing with Vitamin B12 tablets daily could be the answer. 

Fish Oil Capsules

Fish oil is an excellent source of Omega 3, which is needed to have a healthy heart and brain. If you are not a fan of fish or any seafood, Fish oil capsules could be your only source of omega-3 that you could have. The main types of omega-3s in fish oil are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), while the kind found in plant sources is mainly alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

Are They Worth It?

To conclude, we have discovered that Vitamin supplements are unnecessary if you have a balanced diet that includes all the required vitamins. Still, if you do not like the foods that contain the specified vitamins, like fish for omega-3, or if you are vegan, you may need more B12 vitamins due to not eating eggs, milk or cheese. If this is the case, investing in a few types of vitamins will be required as you do not want to have a vitamin deficiency, which will bring illness and fatigue that will lower your quality of life.

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