How to Create an Eco-Friendly Home on a Tight Budget

Photo Credit: Lisa Fotios via

When it comes to saving energy and lowering utility bills, one major thing that always gets pointed out is having to make large investments in your home. It could be getting new insulation, doors, windows, motorised blinds, and the list could go in and on with what could be installed. So, with that said, the costs can really add up, and not everyone can actually afford these anyway. 

So, what can you do? Well, even though you’re not able to get the premium things due to your budget, there are some other eco-friendly changes you could make to your home. So, with that all said, here’s exactly what every homeowner can do on a tight budget to be eco-friendly! 

Just Embrace the Power of Natural Light

Let’s start with something that costs absolutely nothing: sunlight! Opening your curtains during the day can significantly reduce your need for electric lighting. Not only does this save energy, but it also gives your home a warm and inviting glow. If you’re worried about privacy, sheer curtains are a great way to let in light while keeping prying eyes out.

Look Into Solar Panels

All right, solar panels are known for being massively expensive, so they’re pretty much a giant investment. So don’t get too excited about this news, but there could be a chance that you could get free solar panels! That’s right! So there are a lot of factors that it depends on, but there could be a chance that you could get a grant. It’s just best to do some extensive research on this first to make sure there’s next to no cost on your end. 

You Don’t Need Electronics to Unwind

Did you know that even when your electronics are turned off, they can still consume energy? It doesn’t matter what it is, computer video games, TV, all of it can be a massive problem! This is all phantom power, and yes, it can quietly increase your electricity bill. 

So, ideally, you need to combat this by unplugging devices when they’re not in use or by using a power strip to easily turn off multiple items at once. Your wallet and the planet will thank you! Plus, when you unwind, you don’t need electronics all the time, so not using electronics while relaxing does indeed help you save money, too. 

Do Some Gardening

So, this may or may not be costly; it just depends on the circumstances, honestly. So, if you have a garden, such as some grass and dirt, then that’s great; then you most likely won’t need to spend money. But if your garden is nothing but concrete, then this could be a bit of an issue. But with that said, if your garden has soil in it, then you could do some gardening. 

You don’t actually need to buy plants; most vegetable produce you buy, such as lemons, paprika, cucumbers, and tomatoes, have seeds that you can easily use for growing your own vegetables. So, that alone can save you a lot of money on groceries in the long run!

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