How to Stay Positive Throughout Your Cancer Treatment

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So, you’re starting cancer treatment? There’s sure to be some ups and downs, but you know what? Maintaining a positive outlook is not just possible; it’s a key part of the journey. That being the case, here’s how to keep your spirits up when your body’s taking a bit of a beating.

  1. Surround Yourself with Positivity

First rule of Cancer Club: surround yourself with people who lift you up. Whether it’s friends who make you laugh, family who offer a shoulder to lean on, or a pet that gives unconditional love (and demands treats), make sure you’re surrounded by positivity. Negative Nancies? Thank you, next.

  1. Dive into a Hobby

Got a hobby? Now’s the time to dive deep into it. Whether you’re knitting your way to a new scarf record, painting like Picasso, or gardening your way to a backyard Eden, hobbies can keep your mind engaged and give you something to look forward to every day.

  1. Explore Alternative Therapies

Besides your standard medical treatments, consider exploring alternative cancer therapies with the blessing of your doctors, of course. Acupuncture, aromatherapy, or reflexology can offer relief and comfort. These therapies can help manage symptoms and side effects, and hey, if nothing else, a nice massage might just be the pampering you deserve!

  1. Document Your Journey

Keeping a journal can be incredibly therapeutic. Write down your thoughts, fears, triumphs, and daily experiences. It not only helps in processing emotions but might also give you insights into the highs you can celebrate and the lows you’ve conquered.

  1. Stay Active

As much as your health permits, keep moving. Exercise can boost your mood, alleviate stress, and increase your energy levels. It doesn’t have to be a marathon—gentle yoga, short walks, or even some chair exercises can make a big difference.

  1. Have Fun

Never underestimate the power of fun, joy and laughter when you are sock—it really can be the best medicine. Comedy movies, funny podcasts, or just silly moments with loved ones can help keep your spirits high. Laughter may not cure cancer, but it can cure a bad mood.

  1. Keep Your Goals in Sight

Set small, achievable goals throughout your treatment. Having something to strive towards can keep you focused and give you a sense of accomplishment. And when you reach those goals, celebrate! You’ve earned every bit of joy.

  1. Seek Support

Sometimes, a chat with someone who’s been in your shoes can make a world of difference. Look for cancer support groups—whether in person or online. Sharing your experience, fears, and feelings with others who understand can be incredibly affirming and uplifting.

  1. Maintain a Routine

Having a routine can provide a comforting sense of normalcy even when things are anything but normal. So, if you can try and set a schedule and stick to it, even if it means doing less than you would normally, it can only be a positive in your life. Just don’t beat yourself up if things don’t always run as expected – give yourself grace!

Staying positive during cancer treatment won’t always be easy, and some days will definitely be harder than others, but if you give yourself grace and set the intention to be as positive as you can, it will help!

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