Claire Evans

claire evans Claire Evans is a freelance writer, journalist and recently released her first book, Diary Of A Sleep Deprived Mum. Hitting the best sellers charts in the UK, America and Australia Claire’s debut book struck a chord with mums the wolrd over, offering them helpful, humerous advice without a pushy or patronising tone.

We caught up with the author and mother-of-one to talk books, business and how to get 40 winks when you have little ones.

Tell us about your book Diary Of A Sleep Deprived Mum. What made you want to write a book about being a first time mum?

I was working as a writer and freelance journalist prior to writing this book when I found out our close friends, Neil and Laura Westwood, had a very similar sleep deprived experience with their first-born child.  We have frequently holidayed together and kind of clung together in those early months (well, let’s be honest, years), trying to prop each other up and keep each other awake!  It was during one of those trips that our friends suggested I write a book based on my experience as a sleep deprived mum, incorporating hints and tips we had tried and tested on our journey towards a better night’s sleep.  One thing we were all agreed on though, was the determinedly non-preachy tone.  Neil and Laura had read other features and bits and pieces I had written and encouraged me to maintain the same humorous style and tone, and I’ve been very up front about the fact that I am not holding myself out as a sleep expert or life coach.  I wanted to produce a book which new mums could dip in and out of, which would raise a smile and hopefully provide some food for thought if they too were struggling with sleep issues.

Life changes so dramatically when you have a child, was writing the book a cathartic experience?

Definitely.  The thought of writing a book was quite daunting to say the least given that my experience up to that point was writing magazine features.  However, whenever you read interviews with famous authors, most of them will advise aspiring writers to “write about what you know.”  When I sat down to write, I found that it just flowed and it’s nice to now have a coherent record of those early years.  Whether I will always be so fortunate remains to be seen.  But the characters in my book are based on my own friends and acquaintances and many of the anecdotes are inspired by real events.  It is quite revealing at times and if I think too hard about that, I probably won’t sleep again!  It’s also quite weird to think that people on the other side of the world know something of my life.

The book has had huge success  here, in the States and Australia; did you think it would have such a great response the world over?

Never.  Although I knew that the book raised an issue many parents would identify with, I didn’t dream that the response would be so positive.  There are many, many books out there on childcare so to infiltrate that market is quite a challenge.

Are there any plans for more books? If so, will they be focused on the same parenting subject?

I find that I have the same approach to writing as to reading.  I’ve always got at least three books on my bedside table at any one time.  Similarly with writing, I have a list of ideas and time will tell which one comes to fruition first.  But I definitely think there is more mileage on the subject of parenting, albeit from my alternative angle.

Diary Of A Sleep Deprived Mum was backed by Dragons’ Den Theo Paphitis and Deborah Meaden; what business advice did they give you?

Deborah Meaden and Theo Paphitis have a lot of experience writing and publishing books, having written their own. They also advised on how to take advantage of the growing ebook market.  That’s why Diary of a Sleep Deprived Mum is also available on Apple ibooks, Kindle and Kobo.

What’s your all time favourite book?

That is a killer question.  I like biographies and adult fiction.  I recently read and was moved to tears by Patti Smith’s “Just Kids.”  Another old favourite is Iris Murdoch’s “The Sea, The Sea!”

What children’s books do you like to read to your son?

I’m reading a lot of children’s books these days, for obvious reasons and I would have to say that Roald Dahl remains the one to beat. Although I do love Julia Donaldson and Cressida Cowell.

We’re always looking for family friendly places to take the kids to or great restaurants the whole family can enjoy. Do you have any favourites in the West Midlands where you live?

I would recommend joining the National Trust.  It’s a wonderful introduction to the countryside for children and the properties often host family-friendly events and have really good tearooms, we are regulars at Dudmaston, near Bridgnorth and also Attingham Park.  We’re also fortunate to live near the Severn Valley Railway, which was just perfect when Caleb was obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine.

What advice can you give to our mum readers on getting enough sleep or getting through the day without it?

It certainly helps if you have a supportive partner, so ensure that at least one of you is getting sufficient sleep, even if that means separate beds for a time.  I would also say that if you can find a routine that works for you and your family, stick to it as rigidly as you can in those early months and years – kids thrive on routine.  No TV for at least half an hour before bed, a relaxing bath with lavender, followed by a story.  Keep up that basic night time routine, but remember, children are constantly evolving and therefore something that works one week may not be so successful the next and there will always be times when you just don’t seem to get it right.  As for getting through those days, if you’re at home, sleep when your child does.  I know it’s easier said than done, but do it.  Cat naps work, oh, and coffee and gentle, natural exercise – walking is perfect and get plenty of vitamin D from the sun. And if you are lucky enough to have grandparents on hand, make sure you take advantage perhaps one morning a week to enable you to either rest or catch up on a few jobs.

Are there any beauty products you swear by when you just can’t budge those dark circles or tired skin?

YSL Touche Eclat – I panic when I’m running low! I find creamy blusher in an apricot shade works wonders for perking up my complexion.

 What do you enjoy doing when you get the chance for some ‘me-time’?

Reading, which I seem to have less and less time for these days.  I’m also a real film buff. I like to stay fit and get crabby if I don’t get enough exercise so I love to swim and have recently started jogging.

Who or what inspires you?

It may sound a little leftfield, but I was really inspired by Charlie Chaplin’s autobiography.  He came from real poverty – straight out of the pages of a Dickens novel and became the most successful actor/film maker of his generation.  It wasn’t his financial success I admired, but the fact that had this enormous thirst for knowledge, even when he was at the top of his game.  The book was beautifully written and he was completely self-taught.  I’m also inspired by stong, successful women like Caitlin Moran who hailed from the Midlands and is a brilliant writer and very funny, but I actually grew up watching and wanting to be Madonna!  I admire confidence, self-belief, integrity and a sense of humour in any person – but it’s important to be nice.

Mums seem to have much more of a voice these days with blogs and social media. Are there any mummy bloggers you like to follow?

I write my own blog and am now busy trying to network and find other bloggers who interest me.  I need to check out the competition!  I did read and enjoy some of the contributions to Brit Mums over Christmas.

Do you have any advice to mums that want to write a book?

As I said, stick to what you know and write from experience.  Be disciplined, set yourself a writing timetable and don’t waiver from it.  Keep a notebook and pen handy to jot down any ideas or phrases you find interesting.  If you are writing fiction, research is key.  And finally don’t be lazy about it, or it will be evident in your writing.

Follow Claire’s blog at

Diary Of A Sleep Deprived Mum by Claire Evans is out now priced at £9.99

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