Summer Lollies


Tea and lollies. Not exactly an obvious combination but, if you give these a go, we’re sure you’ll agree that teapigs are onto something!

teapigs tea temples contain the very-best-quality real ingredients (whole leaf teas, whole herbs and whole pieces of fruit and spices) they are essentially little bags of intense flavour which you can use to make all sorts of things – including teapops! 

We love to get creative, so give the below method a try with your favourite tea temples. Once you’ve nailed the basic method, there really is no limit to what you can create but we’ve popped in a super tasty recipe to get you started. 

What You’ll Need:

  • 4 teapigs tea temples (depending on how strong you like your flavour!)
  • 100ml boiling water to brew
  • 350ml of cool water or your milk of choice (for milky teapops!)*
  • 60g/6tsp runny honey or agave to sweeten (more/less to taste)
  • Some optional extras to make it even fancier:
    • fresh fruit
    • agave syrup
    • coconut milk
    • cinnamon
    • vanilla

What To Do:

  • Brew your tea temples for at least 4 minutes – the longer you leave them, the more flavour you will get!
  • Sweeten with honey or agave syrup to taste – approx 10g/1.5 tsp per pop!
  • Remove the tea temples and leave to fully cool
  • Once cool top up with 350ml of water or your chosen milk
  • Prepare your fresh fruit and any extras you want to include
  • Pour your cooled tea into your ice lolly moulds and add in your extras!
  • Pop in the freezer overnight to set
  • Take out the freezer and enjoy!

Here are some delicious easy-to-make recipes to get you started

Fruity pops (made with water)

  • super fruit tea temples, red berries, honey
  • lemon and ginger tea temples, juice of whole lemon, lemon zest, honey
  • rhubarb and ginger, honey or ginger syrup!

‘Milky” tea pops

  • matcha – ½ a mango, 1tsp Matcha whisked into coconut milk, agave syrup
  • chai temples, almond milk, vanilla pod, cinnamon, agave syrup
  • darjeeling earl grey, almond milk, vanilla, agave

Top tips:

  • Some of the flavour drops to the bottom of the moulds while freezing so you get a burst of flavour at the top of your pop! For a more even flavour, give the lollies a stir or two mid-freezing!
  • *Some of the teapigs teas taste great with milk, and their teapops are no different. Black or chai teas, rooibos teas and matcha are best with milk. Simply brew the tea temples in enough water to cover them, then top up with your milk of choice – we recommend coconut or almond milk, but use whatever you fancy! You can even use yoghurt…the options really are endless!
  • If you’re using matcha, there’s no need to brew the tea – just whisk the matcha straight into your milk.

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