How to Manage and Prevent Hair Loss

Photo Credit: Tim Mossholder via

It can be terrifying when you realize that you are losing your hair. Your hair is a major part of how you look and losing it can affect your self- esteem. It’s only natural that you’re going to start searching for ways to see if you can preserve the hair you do have left or to help you go back what you lost. 

In doing so, you have to be very strategic. There are several ways in which you can help the process of recovery come naturally. Take a look at some of the major ones that are easy to do that you can try today.

Your Diet

A balanced diet is rich in central nutrients and will significantly impact your hair health. There are so many vitamins that you need to grab ahold of and make sure that you find a way to incorporate them in your diet. 

This could be from multivitamins or taking them individually by themselves. One of the key minerals you need to make sure you’re squeezing into your diet is the Omega-3 fatty acids, you also want to throw in some vitamin D, iron and biotin into the mix if you can. This will help things to go more smoothly when it comes to regrowing or preventing hair loss.

Scalp Care and Massage

A healthy scalp massage is one of those critical ways in which you are going to have to stimulate blood flow to your hair follicles. Regular head massages are going to help to improve blood circulation by delivering more nutrients to your hair follicles to promote the healthy growth of your hair and prevent hair loss

Natural oils such as coconut, jojoba and almond oil help make your fingers run smoothly through your hair while you’re doing the massage. The oil will also provide moisture and has antimicrobial properties that are going to protect your scalp. 

Herbal Remedies 

It’s a good idea to get the help of herbal remedies when you want to get your hair looking it’s best to prevent hair loss and to promote regrowth. Some of the best remedies you can try include aloe vera, which will reduce dandruff and unblock your follicles. Apply it fresh to your scalp to get the best results. 

Rosemary oil is also essential for stimulating hair growth as well. All you have to do is just splash a few drops in a good carrier oil and then start scrubbing it gently into your scalp. Leave it in there for half an hour before you wash it out with a mild shampoo.

Stress Management

Stress is also going to affect your hair growth and decide whether or not it starts falling out as well. This is because stress can become like a pair of scissors for your hair. 

It’s always a good way to try to keep your stress levels under control in any way you can. You can do this by engaging in relaxing hobbies, exercising and making sure that you are getting adequate amounts of sleep.

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