K18 Shampoos

K18 (the hair range behind the most advanced repair mask on the market) have just launched 2 new products. My advice? Run, don’t walk….

Before I tell you what the products are, I want you to think back to a time when we thought the cleanser was the least important product in our skincare routine. I worked in spas and salons for years, and it never ceased to amaze me that my clients would happily spend £££ on serums and moisturisers but wouldn’t pay much attention to the cleansers they were using (I remember the launch of the dreaded cleansing wipe and saw first-hand the negative effect they had the skin). Anyway, thank goodness most of us now prioritise the cleansing part of our skincare routine above anything else and are very considered in what we use, resulting in clearer, brighter and healthier skin, ready for the absorption of our lovely serums and moisturisers.

Maybe you can see where this is going…

K18 have created 2 new shampoos for hair health and beauty, and they are absolutely fantastic. Both created to achieve the cleanest, but most healthy canvas for further product application.

The K18 Peptide Prep Detox Shampoo (AKA my favourite) is a colour safe shampoo with skincare inspired ingredients; Black in colour due to the activated charcoal which absorbs toxins, excess oil and dirt, alongside Salicylic Acid to clear excess sebum build-up in the follicles (which unless removed, stunts hair growth) and the magical K18Peptide to reduce protein loss and keep the hair feeling strong and healthy.

The Detox Shampoo is to be used around once per week to keep the scalp clear and prevent product build-up, it is tempting to use it more often though because it leaves your hair looking SO bright after use! It also stops any brassiness in the colour due to the removal of dulling toxins.

The Peptide Prep pH Maintenance Shampoo also contains the K18Peptide to strengthen the hair, but this shampoo has been formulated with an optimized pH to make it safe and gentle enough to use every day while still packing a punch! The pH level allows the cuticle to stay closed during washing (this is very important as it is the harsh lifting of the cuticle which leaves us relying on heavy silicone conditioners to smooth the cuticle back down. Ironically, the heavy conditioners then cause the cuticle needing to be lifted again in order to cleanse the silicones out properly, and the vicious circle continues) by keeping the cuticle closed, the hairs natural moisture levels are maintained, and hair becomes smoother and healthier over time.

Of course, both are the perfect prep before the K18 (super) mask too. Here’s to all the glossy Rapunzel’s of the future!

K18 Peptide Prep Detox Shampoo, £39 250ml & Peptide Prep pH Maintenance Shampoo, £39 250ml exclusive to www.cultbeauty.co.uk

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