What Are the Summer Beauty Must Haves?

Photo Credit: Atikh Bana via www.unsplash.com

One of the best times of the year has to be summer. You get to wear what you want, soak up the sun, and have tons of fun. Some people go as far as to change their entire skincare ritual for the warmer months. And in many instances, this is a smart move. When it comes to beauty rituals, and specifically the products you use, some just work better in summer. And on that note, let us take a look at the summer beauty must-haves.

Refreshing cleansers

One of the most essential items in your beauty arsenal is a cleanser. It helps to remove dirt and other impurities. It is particularly important if you have oily or even combination skin. And this is because the warmer months mean you will perspire so much more than you think. Opt for a soy face cleanser since it penetrates the skin deeply to cleanse your pores and remove makeup. While at the same time increasing your skin’s hydration and maintaining the skin’s pH balance. Additionally, soy face cleanser is great for any age, gender, skin tone, and even most skin types.

Do keep in mind that your cleanser is one of the more important items in your beauty kit. So, look for one that is sensitive enough and does not strip your skin of the oils and nutrients it needs to maintain a flawless look.

Protective sunscreen and sunblock

One of the most important aspects of summer is protecting your skin against harmful UV rays, which means that you must wear sunscreen whether you are having a day at the beach, having fun at a concert, or simply taking a walk to the shop for some groceries. You must protect your skin from sunburn. If not, and you are being overexposed to the sun, it can lead to serious health and skin issues. Long-term sun damage also leads to premature ageing. So this summer, look for a sunscreen that contains sun protection factor (SPF) 30 and higher. Also, ensure that it is water resistant so that you are protected when you swim and when you perspire.

Hydrating facial mists

Have you ever seen a movie where the female lead gently sprays her face during summertime? Well, chances are that she was using a facial mist. Facial mists are particularly important during the warmer months since it offers much-needed hydration that fosters healthy-looking skin. Additionally, facial mists are a refreshing way to offer your skin a more revitalised look. Find a facial mist that contains aloe vera, cucumber, or rose water. And spritz throughout the day as and where needed.

Photo Credit: engin akyurt via www.unsplash.com

Lightweight moisturisers

Summer is the perfect time to update your moisturisers. Swap those heavy creams for something lightweight. Preferably a moisturiser that is gel-based or oil-free. The idea is to moisturise your skin without leaving it greasy, which can lead to clogged pores. These types of creams work well for people with oily skin and improve your complexion.

Tinted moisturisers or BB cream

If you are looking for a minimalist approach to beauty this summer, why not opt for a tinted moisturiser or BB cream? Not only do they offer optimal coverage, but they also contain hydrating properties, sun protection, and a hint of colour to even your skin tone. It is perfect for anyone who prefers a more natural approach to their beauty looks.

Hydrating lip balm with SPF

Summer is an opportune time to focus on your lips. The sun can cause severe dryness if you are not careful. For this reason, beauty advisors recommend using a lip balm with SPF. Some people believe that your lips do not need extra care like the rest of your face because you can simply lick them. However, excessive licking must be avoided at all costs. Instead, find a lip balm with enough hydration properties and SPF, and you will be set for the warmer months. There are some vital tips to care for your lips regardless of the season.

Refreshing face masks

Seasonal changes have an impact on our skin. Especially when it suddenly goes from higher to lower temperatures and vice versa. For this reason, it is imperative to protect your skin, which in turn enhances your skin’s overall beauty. Summer beauty must-have for this year is a face mask. Summer can be quite taxing on the skin, incorporating a face mask into your skincare ritual is advised. While there are several face mask options available for summer, look for ones that offer hydration, calming properties, and nourishment, specifically after sun exposure.

Soothing lotions and oils

Your skin is one of your body’s most valuable assets. So, you have to protect it accordingly. A summer must have been a lotion or even some oils. Pamper your body from head to toe. For example, the warmer months mean you will be swimming regularly. Before you hop in the pool, ensure you have moisturised your body and face, and apply sunscreen. Once you leave the pool, your skin will remain soft and moisturised — the same with oils. Look for oils that contain jojoba or coconut but avoid anything greasy.

Summer is a wonderful time to embrace your beauty while also looking after your skin. Use the correct products, and remember to carefully incorporate said products into your skincare ritual.

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