I don’t have curly hair, and it’s not poker straight and I sometimes feel blessed with its consistency; however I’m not totally smug as humidity makes me reach for my bonnet (that means sweaty public transport too) and if I’m caught out in a rainfall, my mood is bound to plummet as the frizzies creep in.

Don’t get me wrong, I have found a style I really like, but it’s the products that I often get wrong. I’m always in a rush, so historically, I have just shovelled on one styling cream to counteract frizz; or maybe a mousse if I want more of a ‘bouff’, so finding something suitable to keep my hair in check was like finding a needle in a haystack.

Unsurprisingly, my search took me to a brand hailing from our chic cousins across the channel. As iconic to Chanel to French women, Leonor Greyl has been the hair product of choice for decades, with its signature classy scent, natural products and chic packaging. The brand was founded by hair fanatic Leonor Greyl and her botanical husband in 1968, and the appeal has never wavered so that must mean they are doing something right,

I began my new regime with the discreet bottle of Shampooing Au Miel, which in reality looked very delicate against jumbo bottles of shower gel, but I’m in no position to change my bathroom at the moment and accommodate a pretty bottle shelf for my toiletries!

Smelling divine, the shampoo is a natural phenomenon, infused with real lavender honey and  rose extracts, and rich enough so I only needed a small dollop on my shoulder length hair – with  one wash keeping it fresh for two days. I followed this with a deep and luxurious conditioner, ‘Condition Naturelle’, which is designed to reinforce the hair’s inner strength and make it super glossy.

When I thought that my hair couldn’t get any happier, I spent a couple of weeks in the Caribbean and the sun, sea and salt started to play havoc with the condition – making it dry and lustless. So I treated myself to the deep conditioner ‘Huile de Leonor Greyl’, which is a pure oil designed to bring heat – damaged locks back to life. Depending on the condition of your hair, this product can be smoothed on and left overnight, but my 15 minute pre-shower is my go -to for some serious attention without making my hair feel greasy; and thanks to the natural UVA/UVB sun protection filters, you can apply the oil before sun exposure to protect hair from seawater, chlorine, and sun.

I am definitely a convert, and love the fact that I can invest in products that are natural and classic and have been around for more than 50 years; and unlike any high street offerings here, you are guaranteed to get the Parisian look and feel immediately chic.

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