There’s something to be said about a cheesy grin – I’m not talking Rylan / Turkish teeth, but a healthy bright smile makes the world of difference – and I love grinning! However, my coffee-stained teeth definitely let me down.

Having tried all kinds of whitening toothpaste and strips from the chemist, I thought it was time to speak to a professional and see what options there were.

My first port of call was a visit to Dr Tom Crawford- Clark, the Tooth Doctor at his practice in Marylebone, who settled me in for a consultation. He specialises in creating natural smiles and happy clients with countless testimonials to prove it, so I was very confident that he could turn my off-white teeth into a winning smile.

Using  cutting-edge dental technology, he took a 3-D impression of my mouth and gums to see health and forma a mould to create a custom tray that fits your mouth perfectly. This ensures that the Enlighten whitening gel penetrates the tooth enamel and breaks down the molecules causing discoloration.  This process can effectively reduce stains from food, drinks, tobacco, and ageing, leading to noticeably whiter teeth; he also recommended a thorough hygienist clean before I began my treatment so my teeth got the ultimate result.

The process was simple and painless, as I went away with a skip in my step, waiting for a couple of weeks for the trays to come back. I then had to make another appointment to pick up the trays and get detailed instructions on how to apply the Enlighten whitening gel, how long to wear it, and how often to whiten. This prescription-strength whitening gel is more potent than over-the-counter products as it contains peroxide so must be used as specified.

I couldn’t wait to get started as I took my classy looking kit (complete with ice to keep products cold) home and immediately put it in the fridge. The first night wearing the guards took some getting used to, but I persevered and each night after that, it got less noticeable and the Week no 1 gel passed without any issues.

Once you have finished the first product, you move to a stronger strength (there are three in total) which slowly penetrate teeth, breaking down stains and discolouration. However, I struggled with this product overnight as I was suffering with one of the common side effects of increased tooth sensitivity. The peroxide can temporarily irritate the nerves in the teeth, leading to discomfort, so I contacted Dr Tom’s practice and was advised that I could wear it for a shorter time, coupled with the sensitive serum to aid any pain.

I hadn’t quite realised how sensitive my teeth were as for some people, the bleaching agent that breaks down stains on the enamel and dentin layers of the teeth causes no uncomfort at all. But being able to discuss options put me much more at ease and

After a week, I started to notice a significant improvement in the whiteness of your teeth, and the next time I saw my mum she noticed too and asked me what I’d done to my teeth, which made me smile even more.

To find out more about Dr Tom, book in for a consultation here

T: +44 20 7935 1491

M: +44 7802 629800

Email: [email protected]

61 Wimpole Street

London W1G 8AH

For more information on Enlighten, click here

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