How to Become a Style Icon in University

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Your fashion inspirations don’t have to be held back while you are at university. In fact, university is the perfect time to start your style icon dreams. It doesn’t matter whether you are a fashion student or not. In fact, focusing on being a music-student fashion icon can be an excellent niche to cash in on. If you are successful enough, you could make an independent income before you even graduate. This could take you places you never imagined, and is also an excellent way for you to express yourself.

When you want to become a style icon, you need to go above and beyond. You need to put effort into curating your personal style, and into creating the perfect bedroom look. You also need to improve your photography and marketing skills. What many might not realise about becoming a style icon is that it is also an exercise in marketing, in managing, and in expanding. It is the perfect business venture, and if you become a success, it can be used to get you hired by top firms who want in on your social media marketing prowess.

  1. Make Your Flat the Ultimate Pad

When it comes to your flat, you should, generally, not skimp out. Your home away from home is where you will go to when you need to relax, when you want to work, and when you want to have fun. You need an excellent flat like this Exeter student accommodation. Once you have the perfect canvas, it’s time to personalise the look. Investing in décor is not just important for your Instagram, it’s also a great way to help you feel at home. The more you can relax in your room, the better you can wash away the stress of university.

  1. Curate Your Look

The more focussed your wardrobe, the easier you will find it to become a style icon. You could also focus on curating it so that your Instagram and blog fit a certain niche, like slow fashion, or even thrifting. If you want to become a thrifting style icon, you have the benefit of being able to buy clothes regularly, and also being able to refresh your wardrobe.

  1. Photography Tips

You don’t have to go out and buy a DSLR, but you do need to improve your iPhone photography skills. For instance, ignore the in-camera app and instead download a camera app like Adobe Lightroom that allows you to shoot in RAW file format. You’ll want to couple this with a tripod and ensure your photos always have good light. Combined, your photos should look incredible. Work on creating a specific and unique Instagram theme, and you’re well on your way to becoming a style icon.

  1. Blog and Marketing

Having a blog is crucial for success, because it allows you to offer more value to your followers. Add information you learn at university, things you learn yourself, and more. You should also stay up to date on the social media marketing trends. The more work you put in, the more successful you will be.

Becoming a style icon is not impossible, it just takes a lot of consistent work. If you are a success, then you have a world of opportunities ahead of you.

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