The suitability of eggplant for a vegetarian diet is reaffirmed

Photo Credit: Lum3n via

Eggplant’s relevance to vegetarianism has been ratified by culinary experts.

Such recognition is based on the fact that eggplants are par excellence appropriate for diets because they are low in calories, rich in antioxidants and exciting to cook as well.

With its melt-in-the-mouth flesh and sweet flavours, eggplant has undoubtedly proved to be one of the favourite vegetables for vegetarian people. It can be eaten grilled, roasted, but especially stuffed! Whether vegetarian or meaty, stuffed eggplants are an ideal summertime recipe and easy to prepare.

Advantages for health

Experts in the gastronomic field have reaffirmed its properties as a healthy vegetable that make it suitable for a vegetarian diet. Especially the stuffed eggplant in vegetarian style. There are plenty of characteristics of this vegetable to be considered beneficial for health. Let’s just mention some of them:

  • It is packed with vitamins, minerals, like copper, magnesium, vitamin B1 and vitamin B6.
  • It has the potential to lower cholesterol and helps control weight.
  • It helps keep cell oxidation at bay.
  • It is also light and digestive.
  • It is a food with very beneficial properties for fatty acid digestion, blood pressure, kidney health and resistance to disease in general.
  • It is a goldmine in the skin, since it contains a large quantity of antioxidants, like phenolic acids and anthocyanins, especially when it is dark: the purple ones therefore contain more than the white ones.
  • It provides lots of soft fibres, predominantly pectin, which are well tolerated by the intestines, whose proper functioning they gently facilitate.
  • As for its micronutrients, its contribution in potassium and folic acid stands out.
  • It has specific chemical compounds found mainly in the skin and seeds. These bitter-tasting substances stimulate the proper functioning of the liver and the emptying of the gall bladder.
  • It is a low-calorie vegetable that likes fat. Therefore, it is nowadays regarded with caution because of this tendency to absorb fat added during preparation.

Some interesting facts about eggplants that everybody should know:

  • It is a great choice in salads, stews and much more.
  • Its melting flesh is a crowd pleaser and a wonderful ingredient in the kitchen.
  • Eggplant is not just deep purple, since there are different shades of purple depending on factors such as ripeness. The actual plant ranges from purple to blue to white.
  • Eggplants are known as aubergine in Europe.
  • Eggplant should only be eaten cooked.
  • It is recommended to sprinkle it with lemon to prevent the skin from turning brown.

Eggplant in the kitchen

To benefit from all the properties of this vegetable it is necessary to prepare it in the right way. So, it is advisable to eat it whole and roasted. Indeed, these are the healthiest and most digestive ways to consume it: roasted whole in the oven, grilled and then lightly seasoned or worked into vegetable pâtés.

But this vegetable can be prepared in any way, such as stewed (with plenty of onion so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan), roasted or the healthy steamed method.

In any case, whatever the variety, eggplants combine well with olive oil, olives, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, courgettes and most cereals, especially rice and couscous.

One of the most delicious and easy-to-make recipes using this delicious vegetable is stuffed eggplant vegetarian, a dish which combines a lot of nutrients. It can be topped with feta cheese to enhance its flavour while keeping its vegan characteristics.

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