Gurnard with Broccoli, Jersey Royals, Pancetta & Blood Orange

Gurnard PostSpoil yourselves today with this delectable dish for gurnard with broccoli, jersey royals, pancetta and blood orange. A dish that will certainly impress why not serve this up as a fancy main at a dinner party this winter?

Serves 4

Cooking time: 20 mins

What You’ll Need: 

  • 4 gurnard fillets, skin on
  • 200g purple sprouting broccoli, trimmed, woody stalks removed
  • 20 small Jersey Royals, cut in half
  • 80g smoked pancetta, diced
  • juice of one blood orange
  • 2 small blood oranges, segmented
  • 4 tablespoons good quality extra virgin olive oil
  • sherry vinegar of Moscatel vinegar to taste
  • sea salt and black pepper
  • olive oil for cooking

What To Do:

  • Blanche the broccoli in boiling salted water for a few minutes until just cooked. Refresh in cold water to keep the colour, drain well and reserve in a bowl. Place the potatoes in a pan of salted water, bring to the boil and cook until just tender. Drain
  • Place a non-stick sauté pan over a medium heat and add a good lug of olive oil. Add the potatoes, cut side down, along with the pancetta. Cook until the pancetta releases its fat and the potatoes caramelise. Remove and add to the broccoli.
  • Season the fish fillets well and place, skin-side down in the same pan. Cook for 2 – 3 minutes until the skin colours. Turn over the fish, cook for another couple of minutes and remove from the pan. Pour the orange juice over the broccoli, pancetta and the potatoes, and then add the orange segments, extra virgin olive oil and a dash of vinegar. Season well and mix together.
  • Spoon the broccoli and potato salad onto individual serving plates and top with pan-fried gurnard. Serve straight away.
  • Hunt down a good Soave from Veneto in Northern Italy.

Recipe: Ben Tish will be appearing at Taste of Christmas – a feast of festive flavours from around the world. The event takes place at Tobacco Docks, London from 21st – 24th November 2013 and tickets cost from £22. For details call 0871 230 7132 or visit

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