Goat’s Cheese Salad

Goat's CheeseWhat You’ll Need:

  • ¾ 100g x Goats cheese (sliced)
  • ¾ 3 x Leaves of filo pastry
  • ¾ 10g x Butter
  • ¾  80g x Rocket
  • ¾ 10g x Red currants
  • ¾ 2 teaspoons x Olive oil
  • ¾ 2 teaspoons x Vinegar

 What To Do:

  • Cut the goats cheese with a wet fine knife and cut the filo pastry in square pieces
  • Cover the pastry with butter and close it like a serviette around the goats cheese
  • Cover it once again with butter and cook at 200 degrees until brown
  • Leave to cool for 10 mins
  • Meanwhile get a bowl with a generous amount of rocket, add salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar and then olive oil. Mix it up and add the red currants
  • Add the goat’s cheese on top and serve
  • Enjoy!


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