Why Hotels And Hospitals Should Be Choosing Italian-Style Doors

Photo Credit: Lina Kivaka via www.pexels.com

On the face of it, it seems strange to include hotels and hospitals in the same sentence e. One is there to attract paying guests and ensure they have the best possible time. The other treats injuries and illnesses, usually for free, and doesn’t worry about attracting visitors, they just keep coming.

However, both types of establishments should be looking to replace their existing doors with the most timeless style of interior doors: Italian-style interior doors.

Here’s why.

Quality Of The Doors

The first thing you’ll notice about Italian doors is that they are well-made. They are made from hardwoods, ensuring the doors will last for years, they won’t warp easily, and you’ll be able to feel the quality of the door in your hand.

This is good for hotel guests and hospital patients. After all, regardless of which place you’re visiting, you want to feel that the place cares about you. Investing in high-quality doors is an excellent way to show this is the case.

Naturally, well-made doors will also last much longer than the cheaper versions. This means a good quality Italian door may be a more cost-effective solution over the long term.


Italian doors are often designed to appear frameless. This minimizes the space they appear to take up, helping to make the inside of hotels and hospitals feel more spacious.

The simplicity of their design means that they are easy to keep clean, that’s important to avoid the spread of disease.

The doors can also be designed to slide into the wall space. This is useful when space is limited or people are likely to walk into the door when someone else opens it by surprise.

It’s also worth noting that a well-made Italian-designed door will last for years with very little care. That’s better for maintenance budgets and great for saving you time, something that is always at a premium.

Look At The Interior

Of course, choosing an Italian-style door means you will have created a stylish interior for your establishment.

If you’re running a hotel that means it looks high-quality and guests will not mind paying a little extra. They’ll also appreciate the sturdiness and safety of Italian doors, helping them to provide a positive review.

The same is true in a hospital. Patients may not be paying for the service but they still appreciate a well-designed and stylish-looking hospital. It inspires confidence in the service and the level of care.

This will make life easier for all the hospital staff as patients will generally feel more positive. A positive mindset helps the establishment run smoothly and has been shown to help patients recover faster.

Summing Up

It’s amazing what can be achieved simply by changing your existing doors to Italian design doors. You’ll find people are happier inside your property and this is likely to lead to good reviews and an increase in traffic flow.

The investment in doors is likely to pay for itself in a very short space of time. That’s why all hospitals and hotels should be looking at Italian doors.

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