Mood-Boosting Home Decor Hacks

Photo Credit: Dominika Roseclay via

As the winter months draw in and the weather turns cold, we spend more and more time indoors. So, it’s never been more important for our homes to offer us a safe haven. A place we can unwind, relax and recharge so we can better face all the challenges modern life throws at us. If your home needs a little TLC, don’t despair. Read on for some simple mood-boosting home decor hacks that can quickly turn your home into a place you can’t wait to be. 

Don’t wait for spring

Who said we need to wait for spring to do a “spring-clean”? When it comes to boosting your mood, a clean clutter free space helps relieve you of stress and gives you more time. So, let’s get the hardest hack out of the way first and have a massive declutter. Sell, donate or trash anything that you no longer need or want. It’s surprising how much all that stuff will accumulate and get in your way! So whether you go for a Minimalist’s approach or the KonMari method, just get rid of all that excess stuff!

Fill your home with happy memories

Its been scientifically proven that having photos in and around our home provide consistent positive reinforcement, as it reminds us of who and what is important to us. So, don’t let your treasured memories sit unseen in your phone’s storage. Frame them, create a gallery wall, or display a photobook on a shelf. The happy memories dotted around your home are sure to give you a little boost wherever you see them!

Introduce nice smells

Not to say your home doesn’t smell nice, but specific scents can be incredibly effective at lifting your spirits and boosting your mood. Citrus scents like lime, lemon, and orange are said to pep you up, while floral scents have a more calming effect. Or perhaps you’d prefer something more herbal or more spicy? Whatever you choose, lighting a candle or oil burning is a great way to unleash an uplifting scent into your home.

Bonus Hack: Opt for lavender scents in the bedroom to help you drift off to sleep.

Add some greenery

Studies show that areas with plants leave people feeling happier and healthier. Not only that, but they also improve the air quality by up to 25%.

So to boost your mood and your air quality, start adding some plants into your home. If you’re not especially green-thumbed, opt for plants like monstera or spider plants, which are both incredibly hard to kill.

Set the mood

Add some mood lighting to your home. You can use soft, warm lights to create a relaxing and cosy ambiance. This style of lighting is perfect for relaxing in the living room or creating a restful environment in the bedroom. You can use dimmable downlights or string up some fairy lights, or even just light some candles to create this effect.

Follow these simple hacks, and your home will become a haven in no time. Feel free to share below any of your mood-boosting home decor hacks.

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