New Beginnings

The response I’ve had to my endometriosis guest blog has been absolutely fantastic. After a very successful Twitter campaign, as managed by my sister (ever considered a career in PR, Sal?) we had replies/re-tweets from the editors of Glamour, Grazia and Red magazine.

In addition to this I received lovely messages from other women who have either been affected themselves or are close to a sufferer, thanking me for putting the word out there and raising awareness. What started off purely as a way to channel my frustrations about an upcoming seventh operation (at what point do they offer you a loyalty card and a free coffee I wonder…) the piece has snowballed in an overwhelming way.

Currently in the process of buying a house and nearing a completion date *crosses fingers and toes*, we are soon to be entering the new and exciting world of the homeowner. Having coveted a pair of Joules wellies for quite some time a relocation further north and into the countryside means that snapping up a pair in the sale for £24.99 is definitely a justifiable expense. Alongside the furniture and numerous appliances that is…

Lyla has been to visit her new nursery school which she will be starting at in September, a move she is definitely ready for. This is reflected in her 3-going-on -13 phrases and mannerisms; “eurrrgh stop KISSING” my husband and I were told with rolling eyes and endless tutting the other day. Her accessories are definitely better than mine now with tutus, crowns and jewels a-plenty. Although I’m not sure styling Theo with stacked bangles and gelling his hair with toothpaste is a look that he particularly appreciates.

Mummy Mode Blog - Helena With Lyla And Theo

My hair however is in the depths of a post-pregnancy slump after having thick and glossy locks galore for those 9 months. With both my babies at around the 6 months old mark it became less Aslan and more Mr Tumble. The fab Ogario London has come to my rescue though, with a variety of hair products that are definitely helping, in particular their hair masks. That and a healthy dose of Colgate for good measure and I’ll be back in Narnia before we know it.

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