Amanda Hamilton

Amanda HamiltonMother of four Amanda Hamilton appreciates the pressures and demands put on women today. TV presenter and nutritionist, Amanda aims to help women adopt better relationships with food whist teaching women how to achieve permanent weight loss with a healthy approach. Amanda understands that being a mother that maintaining a daily lifestyle of nutritious eating and wellbeing is most likely at the bottom of your list.

With Amanda’s retreats being subject of more than seven major TV series, shown in 22 countries worldwide, Amanda has developed a real food programme for real women, which is tailored to suit each and every woman. With 10 years of clinical and practical experience, Amanda has designed a successful platform for women to lose inches within their daily routine whilst obtaining long term results.

What made you first take an interest in nutrition and want to help women’s approach to food?

Essentially, my background is in sports and whilst studying at University I spent time in an American University where there was a huge problem with obesity – to the point where some students had to take a taxi across campus because they were too large to walk. In my early 20’s I decided to make a career out of it and began to study Nutrition.

Can you tell StyeNest about any current or future projects you might be working on?

I have recently launched my new online weight loss system, Amanda Hamilton Weight Loss – The programme is focused only on women because women have different needs when it comes to shifting the pounds. We calculate individual metabolism and tailor menus accordingly to keep the ideal fat burning zone  – it is really cool, very much “now” with all the community and buzz and I’m really proud of it. I am also working on a new BBC series which is going to be recorded later this year but the project is all very hush hush at the moment so unfortunately I cannot tell you much more. I am also currently the nutritional expert on ITV’s This Morning.

Are you enjoying This Morning? What is your exact role?

My role in the team is as a nutritional expert, I am on hand to advise the participants what to eat and in what quantity. All of the participants are following my new diet programme and can contact me with any questions or if they need advice or guidance- I’m there to offer support throughout their weight loss journey – which is a bit of an emotional rollercoaster! I’ve really loved working on This Morning, I rate the programme very highly and the whole team are always so fantastic to work with.

You have your hands full with four children and your career. How do you ensure your kids eat healthily?

I always make sure I have healthy food in the house. I do always explain where food comes from too. Most of them have developed an interest in food and choose to eat healthily most of the time – but they are also normal enough to want pizza and burgers. My two year old is currently demanding chocolate at breakfast but we are obviously not giving in.

What advice would you give to mums who want to cook good, healthy, nourishing meals but are short of time?

The best piece of advice I can give a busy mum is to batch cook and freeze to cut down the time in the kitchen. Also, don’t be afraid to take short cuts. I use pre-made sauces all the time but you need to become label savvy. If you can’t pronounce what it says on the label you probably shouldn’t be eating it. Keeping a good stock of frozen food helps too.

We love your will power and motivation to eat healthily. But do you have a guilty pleasures? Chocolate? Chips? Go on, we won’t tell anyone…

The secret is not to view anything as a guilty pleasure – a little bit of being naughty is good for you. I enjoy eating chocolate, but in moderation and a wee glass of wine is fine but just not one of those oversized glasses (which is about a third of a bottle) with every evening meal otherwise it really puts the weight on, especially around the middle.

Family is obviously a big part of your personal and professional life. How do you balance being a working mum?

Most of the time it just about works, but there are times when you just have to accept the chaos, and roll with it. It helps to be as organised as possible and I try to work in more or less a shift pattern. From 3pm to 7pm is “kids time” and if I have work to do I’ll finish it later in the evening once the kids have gone to bed.

What do you do for some well deserved “me time”?

As my life can get very hectic I try to make sure that at least once a week I go out with my husband, Crawfurd. My parents will always help out with the kids and it’s always nice to get away from it all and relax. At the moment I am training for the London Marathon and find that when I’m on a long run I can clear my head – even if my legs are screaming for help. I always enjoy spending time with girl friends too and if I’m really trying to have some “me” time it will often involve shopping with plenty of coffee or cocktail stops.

You must have a very busy schedule, what is your beauty regime that keeps you looking so fresh faced?

Now that I am nearer 40 than 30, I have started to take my beauty regime a little more seriously. It is no secret that eating well and staying hydrated will keep you looking fresh faced but I’ve also come to rely on a couple of beauty products. I tend to use products and creams that contain glycolic acid which is good for the skin. I also make sure that I use a proper barrier cream before heading out for a run as the cold air and wind can dry my skin out.

Can you give our readers any top tips or advice on how to cope being a working mum?

Try not to be too much of a perfectionist and don’t be ashamed to ask for help. A lot of my friends are also working mums so we take turns in looking after each other’s children, which is not only great for us but, fun for the children who get to spend more time with their friends.

What best advice would you give to new mums wanting to shift the baby weight quickly?

You should give yourself a realistic amount of time to lose your baby weight and above all, do it sensibly. Most of the celebrity new mums are just impossible to follow – bear in mind they are usually tiny to begin with. It is really important to remember that the weight you gain during pregnancy serves a biological reason and gives you the energy you need to produce milk. As a new mum you will inevitably be tired but try not to rely on “quick fix” foods – harder than it sounds if you attend yummy-mummy coffee mornings. Your body will come back if you play by the rules most of the time.

Do you have any favourite TV shows or books you are glued to at the moment?

I really enjoy watching good quality drama and at the moment I’m hooked on Borgen, a Scandinavian series. I’m also really enjoying Homeland and I did join in the Downton Abbey bandwagon.

When you are not busy working, what do you enjoy doing with the family?

As a family, we love the outdoors; we enjoy taking the dog out for long walks and going out on bikes. We try to arrange days out but with a toddler, a seven year old and two teenagers the only activity we can all do together is family meals.

You have a very active family. Both your parents were PE teachers. What do you do with your children to help make sure they stay active and don’t watch TV all day?

All of the children have naturally gravitated towards sport. My two year old is energy personified; he doesn’t walk – he just runs. My seven year old is a gymnast and is by the far the fittest in the family and the other two also enjoy sport. In fact, we are just a taxi service that supports their sporting endeavours.

If you could change one misconception about detoxing what would it be?

I personally don’t like the label ‘detox’. It has become so misconstrued and over used. Detoxing is not something you can do with a magic potion or pill; it is something your body does naturally. A detox diet just helps your body do what it does, better.

Who has been the most influential person you have worked with and whom would you most like to work with?

People behind the scenes are often the most inspiring and influential in person.  I am impressed with anyone who has made a business idea work since that is where I spend a lot of my time right now. In the public eye, I would love to work with Jamie Oliver – but then, who wouldn’t?

What do you think Britain’s biggest problem with food is?

Britain is bombarded with “beige foods”, and by beige I mean those pasty-coloured foods that lack any nutrition but are full of refined carbs, sugars, hidden fats and additives. Britain needs to get back in touch with what real food is and begin to enjoy food again rather than reaching for quick fixes and convenience food.

What’s your motto in life?

I went on a 20 day silent meditation retreat and a Buddhist phrase stuck with me, “This too will change”. To me, this motto helps me not to worry too much as things are constantly changing and to go with flow but appreciate the good and learn from the bad.

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