Jenny Scott

jenny scott

Mothers Meeting is a stylish online networking site and inspirational blog for cool, creative mums. Founded by Jenny Scott it was set up to offer fabulous mums an alternative to talking about nappies and nipple creams, and instead focuses on fashion, culture, art and design. We caught up with Jenny to learn about her style, her home life and her creative inspiration. 

Mothers Meeting is for mothers from a creative background with a love for fashion, culture and design. What’s your background?

I studied graphic design at Camberwell art college, and have worked in the design industry designing everything from exhibitions to identities  for clients such as Nike, Gareth Pugh, Coca Cola, Nokia, Vodaphone, Kodak, GSHOCK & more. My work is very much youth/fashion focused.

What was is like setting up your new website whilst being a new mum?

It all felt very natural, I never put any pressure on myself (well that’s what my boyfriend kept reminding me) I needed a outlet for my creativity whilst not working, but not the stress and deadlines. I wanted to create something that would inspire other pregnant women, as i couldn’t find anything.

Any tips for aspiring mumpreneurs out there?

Take your time and enjoy the moment, there’s no rush! But if you get itchy feet, use your time wisely. When your walking your lil one around the park use the time to think about what you REALLY want from life, write notes/take pics/listen to music/chat to strangers use your time to do things you would never normally have the opportunity to do.

What do you get up to at your mothers meetings?

There are always new and existing mums that come along, so alot of the time it’s about mums getting to meet new mums and making new friends. I’m really happy to say that loads of friendships have been formed through MM.

Are there any mums out there that really inspire you?

Motherhood is one of the hardest jobs ever! So all mums inspire me in one way or another. But the mums I find most inspiring are the ones that stay positive through the long days that can feel really lonely. Also honest mums are very inspiring – mums tend to feel they have to be super women and can’t admit that they are having a tough time, this only makes it harder for themselves and everyone else. So be honest ladies, we all know it aint easy being a mum, and the women that say it is are lying!

As a designer, have you any tips on styling the family home?

Less clutter equals less mess which means less cleaning. So to get your personality across in the home without ornaments and bits & pieces go for BIG statement pieces such as a really cool BIG light shades,  or a FEATURE wall. I’m in the process of making a collage on an entire wall, it’s going to be a mix of cuttings – magazine images and photocopies of family pics.

Where do you get your creative inspiration from?

Just like Paul Smith says “You can find inspiration in everything – and if you can’t look.” I’m constantly observing things. Whether it’s the colour combo of flowers against a rusty garden gate , or the handwritten misspelled typography of a shop sign In Peckham you don’t have to go to a art gallery to be inspired.

How would you describe your style? Has it changed since becoming a mother?

I think you have to be more organised if you want to look good, as time is limited. I’ve invested in a few smart items that need to be dressed down rather than dressed up. If you have a super smart jacket on with a pair of old leggings you grabbed from the floor, the focus will be on the jacket and you’ll look like you’ve made more of a effort than you have. It’s all about dressing things down rather than dressing things up. Oh crease free fabric makes life sooo much easier too.

Who is your style icon?

A cross between Lykke Li’s minimal, scruffy chic and Pat Butcher’s over the top gaudy sense of style.

What’s your ideal family day out?

A Winter walk along the coast, finishing off with a big bag of chips soaking in salt and vinegar, then home for Eastenders and a cup of tea.

What could you never travel without?

My passport, my baby and my boyfriend.

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