Love Delivered

Hi Belinda – I’m a big fan of your bouquets as you know…so tell me.

What’s in a name? Why “love delivered?”        

Love Delivered as a name is a bit of a play on words – we are passionate about flowers and the flowers we grow are grown with all of our love, care and attention.  Most flowers are sent to the recipient ‘With Love’ from the person sending them and they are delivered out to the recipient hence the name Love Delivered.

Who names the bouquets? And why?                

The bouquets initially started being named after friends & family and also people associated with the business.  Some products have also been named as themes eg George, Bungle & Zippy are our rainbow bunches of stocks that are grown in the nursery

Which is your favourite bouquet?                        

That’s a difficult one because we love them all and our favourites change through the year as different products launch with the seasons – at the moment it’s the Isabelle/Rebecca/Kitty group of bouquets which just shout ‘Spring in a bunch’.   We love our Stocks bouquets which are just about to launch – Zippy is a rainbow of colour and the scent is amazing and Peony season whilst it’s too short we can’t get enough of the who amazing the flowers are.

All your packaging is 100 % recyclable, you take your environmental responsibilities very seriously – does this set you apart from other brands?  

We think it’s important to think about the whole package and not just the flowers.  We grow the flowers responsibly and it’s important we carry on the same message with our packaging.  We think this sets us apart from other brands.

What does a typical day in the life of “Love Delivered look like?”  

First thing in the morning we check how many orders have come in overnight and process/print them all off, we check and answer any e-mails from customers asking questions or checking order details.  We spend the next few hours making the bouquets that are due to go out that day, talking to the nursery about what flowers we need whilst keeping an eye on orders as they come in through the day until cut off at 2pm.  We look at the website each day to check if any changes need to be made, check our social media plan to see if we have a post create, look at raw material availability to see if anything is coming to the end of the season or if anything needs to launch.  We always seem busy and outside of making the bouquets the other tasks are very varied.  It’s always nice to talk to customers if they call to place an order as many are repeat customers so it’s good to hear any feedback they have.

Talk me through the “biomass” heating you use.           

We have a wood chip biomass boiler which is used to heat our main glasshouses to help us heat the tulip and stocks crops during their key growing periods when the outside temperature is too cold.

And “hydroponically”…             

Our tulips are grown using hydroponic techniques which uses a mineral nutrient solution with no soil or peat use and ensures our tulips are great quality throughout the season.  We grow over 70 different varieties across the season using this method.

You also support The Samaritans…I feel like you are actively choosing to be ethical in all you do.             

We started working with The Samaritans in January 2021 offering a selection of the Love Delivered range on their webshop.  The bouquet range has temporarily stopped being sold on their website but we are looking at how we can continue supporting them going forward.

Can you explain the enduring appeal of receiving a bouquet?                                                                                  

It’s always a lovely surprise to receive flowers, it shows you someone is thinking about you and cares, it’s lovely to arrive home and see a box waiting for you to open!.  The colour and smell of the flowers are an assault on the senses when you open the box and it still amazes me how you can watch flowers blossom in front of you from being in bud on arrival to opening in full bloom over a couple of days.  We also have some customers who buy flowers for themselves as a treat.  Flowers shouldn’t just be thought of as a gift to send to someone else, we should also treat ourselves to show we care about ourselves.

Belinda Green, Love Delivered General Manager /

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