Minna Hepburn

MinnaStyleNest caught up with Minna Hepburn to find out all about her label and her fashion forward tips.

Inspired by her love for vintage clothing, Minna Hepburn first launched her label in 2008 and has subsequently fuelled a remarkable following and a renowned brand. Environmental concerns are at the forefront of Minna’s designs and creations and every piece is hand embellished from sustainable, organic, recycled and locally produced materials. The eco-luxe label has reestablished the terms of ethical fashion. Minna shares fashion, family and life details with StyleNest and tells us what it’s like in the day of a mum who juggles it all.

Can you give StyleNest any exciting inside news on any current or future projects you might be working on?

My bridal inspired collection has been a huge success and I am excited to carry on building the range. I am also going to start selling lace fabrics by the metre with a choice of over 100 prints. My customers will now have an amazing choice of fabrics with so much to choose from. Towards the end of the year, I am looking to open up a shop/showroom in a more central London location.

Did you always know you were creative? How did first gain the inspiration and courage to start Minna?

When I had my daughter 7 years ago I had an opportunity to take some time off. We also moved to Dorset, which I find inspiring with its little antique markets. I had never felt creative before but with a little baby and lots of time in my hands, I started thinking about designs that I would love to wear; all made from lace. It was very scary in the beginning to get my label going without any finance, fashion degree or contacts. My husband is a great risk taker and believer in “ you only live once attitude” so he has been amazing help over the years, whether it is a shoulder to cry on or opening a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

We love your styling. Who and what are your favourite style icons?

I am a big fan of women who look comfortable in their own skin, wearing minimal make-up, yet always looking stunning and put together. Diane Kruger, Laura Bailey and Chloe Delevigne have a great sense of individual style and effortlessly wear vintage and designer. They create trends rather than follow trends.

Is there a lot of Finnish influence in your designs?

Many people say that my designs are very Scandinavian but the inspiration definitely comes from Britain. Lace has deep roots in Britain and I think only the British can wear lace the way it was meant to be worn – with attitude, mixing and matching it with high street and designer pieces, in a modern way and not too ladylike.

You are working mum. What do you do for some well deserved “me time”?

Living in Dorset and commuting to London is so hard. Most of the time I run the office using my blackberry, which leaves me with little me time. The best way for me to slow down is to go for a ride on my horse, which I do 3-4 times a week. I would never say no to a lovely meal, wine and a movie either…

What do you do with your daughter to help keep the creativity alive?

She loves drawing and is very good at it. I want her to find things that she enjoys doing and encourage that, rather than influence her liking what I do. I do not want her to follow my footsteps and get into fashion, as the industry is so hard. However, if she wanted to I would help her in every way I can.

Style is obviously important to you. What is your failsafe outfit?

Whenever I have a big event to go to, I wear my trusted black lace Jasmine dress with a vintage clutch bag and a family heirloom ring that belonged to my husband’s mother. My day-to-day uniform tends to be jeans and various tops and converse trainers. If I am riding, I tend to wear jodhpurs all day, which is where all my style points go out the window….

Who are your favourite designers?

I love the Australian brand called Lover. They are great lace lovers so that gets my thumbs up. If money were no object, it would have to be Chanel.

You are a working mum. How do you manage a beauty regime that keeps you looking so youthful?

I think your diet is where it all starts. I eat very healthy, try to drink enough water and do not smoke. My beauty routine is very simple, as I need to be careful what creams to use, as my skin is very sensitive. I am currently a big fan of Clinique and ROC creams. I exfoliate and use facemasks by a Finnish brand called Lumene and love to have a bath using Aromatherapy Associate bath oils. Healthy doses of fresh country air also keeps my skin clear and healthy.

Family is obviously a big part of your life. How do you balance being a working mum?

The most important thing is to marry a great guy who supports you and will do a great deal of the family chores. I could not do this without my husband. Although I still feel that I have not achieved a great balance as work is never ending and I never seem to be able to do just one thing at a time. Switching off my blackberry in the evenings is my new thing as well as learning to say no to things. Reminding myself that I am not saving lives is what keeps things in balance. There is more to life than obsessing about work.

When you are not busy working, what do you enjoy doing with the family?

Doing absolutely nothing! I love being at home, just hanging out, cooking, reading in front of the fire and just enjoying being together as a family. We love going for country walks and exploring the Dorset coastline or taking my daughter riding and going to our local pub and seeing friends. Enjoying life’s simple pleasures is what its all about.

What fashion spots have you made this season that your wardrobe won’t be without?

I never follow any trends but this season all the lovely colourful jeans will be on my shopping wish list.

Can you clue our readers on any style tips and future trends?

I would say spend more but buy less. Buying more expensive pieces means that you have made an investment piece, which you are more likely to look after and keep. Buy British and support all the great talent that we have in this country.

What’s your motto?

You only live once.

You launched your children’s wear label in 2009 inspired by your daughter. Does she enjoy wearing the clothes?

She is a bit of a tomboy, which is exactly what I used to be like. Although she has started to admire my lace dresses so hopefully this summer she will be running across a field wearing my dresses! She is also very good at testing the products and her feedback is always most valuable ensuring that we get the fabrics and fit right.

Can you give StyleNest readers any tips on how to cope with being a working Mum?

Give yourself a break. It is virtually impossible to be a great wife, super mum and a businesswoman. I have learned that the hard way. Remember to look after yourself and take that important “me time”. Halve your to-do list and be realistic about what you can do in one day.

What books and TV shows are you glued to at the moment?

Maybe it is because of my War Studies degree but I love watching Homeland and Ross Kemp’s series about Afghanistan. Any documentaries about wildlife and life stories keep things in perspective. When I go to bed and my head hits the pillow, I am fast asleep. I leave the books for holidays as when I have a good one in my hands, I can easily read it all night….

What advice would you give our readers who want to start a business on their own?

Do not start your business without proper finance, business plan and research. Learn from other people’s mistakes and make your business a better one. Listen to people; do not think you know it all because you don’t. Build an amazing team around you, who will support you. Look after yourself and family. At the end of the day, that is what matters.

Shop online at Minna on www.minna.co.uk

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