Sara Nanetti – Sleep Savvy

Sara Nanetti, is a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant and co-founder of Sleep Savvy, which helps families get restful and rejuvenating sleep. They have launched a partnership with The Westin Maldives Miriandhoo Resort, situated in Baa Atoll, to create ‘The Westin Maldives Kids Sleep Manual’.

Why did you start Sleep Savvy? 

Starting our own sleep consulting business stemmed from our own experience as sleep-deprived moms. We intimately understand the struggle and the crucial need for support in this area. Helping others navigate through it proved to be deeply fulfilling for us.

What is your background? 

I am a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant and an Accredited Dunstan Baby Language educator. I have worked with more than 500 families helping them get the rest they need.

What tips would you give to new parents or those with young children struggling with nighttime routines? 

Here are some tips for a smooth day to night transition with young kids:

  • Set a regular bedtime and follow a consistent routine leading up to it, such as bathing, reading, and dimming lights.
  • Create a peaceful atmosphere in the bedroom by keeping it dark, quiet, and comfortably cool. Use white noise machines or gentle lullabies to mask disruptive sounds.
  • Implement calming activities before bedtime, like gentle massages or quiet play, to signal to your child that it’s time to wind down.
  • Minimize exposure to screens (TV, tablets, phones) before bedtime, as the blue light emitted can interfere with sleep patterns.
  • Be patient and stick to the routine, even if there are initial challenges. Consistency is key for establishing healthy sleep habits.

I understand you have just launched a partnership with Westin Maldives, how did this come about?

This was a really exciting opportunity and we were truly happy to be asked to take part in the creation of their manual. Travelling with young kids doesn’t have to mean saying farewell to healthy sleep habits. These can be nurtured while on holidays too!

Many parents may be apprehensive about travelling long haul with children, how does the manual help with this and what are your top tips? 

First and foremost, try and maintain some consistency: stick to your child’s regular sleep schedule as much as possible, including naps and bedtime, to minimize disruptions to their sleep routine.

Bring comfort items with you: pack familiar items such as favourite blankets, stuffed animals, or bedtime books to help create a sense of familiarity in new environments.

Re-create a sleep-friendly environment: darken the sleeping area with blackout curtains or shades, and minimize noise with white noise machines or earplugs to promote better sleep.

Always plan ahead: Schedule travel during times that align with your child’s natural sleep patterns, and allow for adequate rest breaks during long journeys to prevent overtiredness.

I understand you have tailored some practices, especially for the resort, for example, beach time stories, stargazing and oceanside meditation, can you tell us more about this?

A holiday in a resort provides an excellent opportunity to reinforce healthy sleep practices for kids. With a relaxed environment and ample time for rest, parents can establish consistent bedtime routines and sleep schedules. Resorts often offer quiet, comfortable accommodations conducive to quality sleep, allowing children to unwind and recharge. Additionally, parents can use this time to model and reinforce positive sleep behaviours, such as limiting screen time before bed and practicing relaxation techniques. By prioritizing sleep during the holiday, families can return home feeling refreshed and with improved sleep habits for the entire family.

How important is nutrition to ensuring children sleep well?

Nutrition plays a vital role in ensuring children sleep well. A balanced diet rich in nutrients supports optimal sleep patterns, while avoiding caffeine and heavy meals close to bedtime promotes restful sleep.

How important are family retreats for balance and wellbeing?

Family retreats are invaluable for promoting balance and wellbeing, including healthy sleep habits. They offer a break from routine, allowing families to relax, bond, and rejuvenate. Quality time together fosters emotional connection and reduces stress, leading to improved sleep for both children and parents.

Finally what is your dream family holiday destination?

Maldives, of course! With its pristine beaches and luxurious resorts, the Maldives offers a perfect escape for families seeking relaxation and adventure in a tropical paradise.

Sri Lanka is also an excellent option for traveling with family due to its diverse attractions, from pristine beaches to lush rainforests and cultural landmarks, family-friendly accommodations and wildlife encounters.

And, for cultural holidays, European countries such as Italy, France, Spain and Greece are also great destinations!

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