3 Vital Reasons Why We Need to Bother With a Personal Trainer in the Information Age

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As accustomed as we are to learning things online in the modern day, there are so many instances where we are far better off going for the kinesthetic approach to learning, in other words, the hands-on experience, which is far more useful in many aspects of our lives. One of the best examples is exercise, and it’s certainly something that people can argue with because there’s an abundance of amazing information out there on how to exercise. But here, we’re going to show you exactly why you would benefit from having a personal trainer, particularly in this information age.

Personalised Guidance and Expertise

Yes, of course, information is readily available online, but a personal trainer is an invaluable resource. It’s easy enough to find personal trainers these days, from your local workout space to bigger chains like the énergie Fitness Gyms. A personal trainer provides programming specific to your goals, needs, and most importantly, your limitations. Online resources don’t take into account what you can’t already do, and a personal trainer can design effective programmes and adapt workouts based on how you’re feeling that day. There’s more information now to say that we shouldn’t necessarily push through if we’re feeling unwell, and a personal trainer can build that relationship with you and use their skills in the moment.

Safety and Proper Form

Personal trainers provide that perspective that we all need. It’s hard when we’re exercising by ourselves to look in the mirror, and yes, we can video ourselves, but it can be a long journey of fine-tuning and tweaking. So, if you can afford a personal trainer, they will ensure you can perform the exercises correctly to target the right muscle groups, minimise injury risk, and of course, achieve the optimal benefits from each movement. Many people have lower back problems these days, and sometimes working out by ourselves can give us that licence to push through, which can be to the detriment of our physical health in the long run.

Efficiency and Results

An experienced trainer is invaluable because it’s not just about them helping you focus on the most effective exercises for your particular goals, but they can optimise so many aspects of your time. Having a personal trainer once a week is, for most of us, more than enough time to see results, especially when we grow impatient and demand to see the fruits of our labours within a few weeks. A personal trainer will tell you the reality is far different and that it’s about giving ourselves the licence to focus on form for the first few months and then gradually ramp up the intensity so we can achieve those goals, whether it’s in terms of our aesthetics or our strength.

Ultimately, personal trainers provide that holistic approach to your fitness as well as your health. There’s nutrition and diet advice, of course, and lifestyle factors that can impact your fitness, but they will also look at the mental and emotional aspects of wellness. A personal trainer is not just someone who’s there to tell you to do one more rep, particularly in the modern day, and this is what we need to remember, they are a holistic specialist, which is invaluable in the information age.

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