32 Things to prioritise when you move somewhere temporarily

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cottonbro studio via www.pexels.com

Do you have an upcoming move on the horizon? Perhaps you’re moving for university or you have a fixed-term job somewhere.

You may even be moving to a foreign country temporarily. Whatever your reason for going, it can often be difficult to fully separate yourself from the place you’re leaving, knowing that you’ll be returning back some day.

There are also plenty of things to tick off if you are moving, no matter how long for. Here are some key things to bear in mind.

Get your life admin sorted

You’re going to have a new address, so this will need to be reflected in all kinds of places. Think your driving licence, utility bills and that one aunt that still insists on sending you postcards from all of her holidays…

Registering for local doctors and dentists is another must and means they’ll be on hand to help if you need them in a pinch.

Do a proper observation of your immediate area too. Where is the supermarket? Post office? Go-to late-night/hungover takeaway joint? You know – all the essentials.

All of this will help you live life smoothly, allowing you to focus on whatever studies or work you are in the area for.

Organising transport

Depending on where you’re moving to and for how long, this could take many forms. Will you be mainly using public transport or will you need a set of wheels to get you around?

If you’ve moved for a temporary working contract, leasing a car could be a smart option. You may well be able to match up your lease term with how long you’re going to be around – and then start from scratch when you do whatever is next on the cards.

Finding out what fits in best with your budget is another consideration. It’s no good driving to work, if it’s going to cost you a fortune in fuel and parking and there’s a bus stop right outside the front door.

Venture out into the local area

You might not have plans to stay in your location for the long haul, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still treat it as though you are.

Sure, you might not stay here forever, but who knows what kind of knowledge you could pick up and friends you could meet along the way?

The memories are sure to last a lifetime regardless, so get yourself out there and make the most of the opportunity!

Tap into local knowledge

Whether you already know people in the area or start to meet people as you get familiar with your surroundings, ask them for recommendations and ideas on what you can do so you can start living like a local even faster.

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