4 Signs You Might Be Developing an Allergy

Photo Credit: Edward Jenner via www.pexels.com

Did you know that you can develop allergies with age? Honestly, it’s far from ideal being an allergy sufferer, but from the looks of it, it’s just a natural part of life. Maybe you’re suddenly sneezing fits around your best mate’s cat, eyes watering when you’re around a dog, or an unexpected reaction to your beloved peanut butter; adult-onset allergies are more common than you might think. 

So, a lot of adults are more than aware that they’ll eventually become lactose intolerant; in fact, most people will lose that enzyme that digests dairy. So, while it’s not the same, it’s fairly similar. So, let’s explore some signs that you might be joining the ranks of those who have developed an allergy later in life.

How Do You Confirm Your Suspicions?

Sometimes, it can be far too dangerous to test what you might have an allergy to; for example, do you really want to risk anaphylactic shock just to confirm you’re allergic to certain foods like peanut butter or shellfish? Honestly, your safest bet is going to be through an allergy blood test; this might actually be the safest way to go about it. Plus, your healthcare provider, after the test, helps you develop a management plan. So, with that said, here are some signs. 

Unfamiliar Sneezes and Sniffles

Imagine this: you’re visiting a friend, and they’ve just introduced you to their adorable new kitten. Then, just out of nowhere, your nose starts to twitch, and you find yourself sneezing uncontrollably. At the same time, it’s easy to blame it on the weather or a passing cold; recurring sneezes, especially when in close proximity to certain triggers, could be an early sign of an allergy.

Digestive Distress

Sometimes, allergies manifest in ways that aren’t immediately obvious. Have you ever enjoyed your favourite peanut butter sandwich, only to be hit with an upset stomach shortly after? Alright, peanut butter keeps getting used, but only because of how common it is years later to get an allergy (same goes for tree nuts). But overall, if you’re noticing more frequent bathroom issues after eating something specific, then this is a good indication. Plus, this is a good indication of lactose intolerance.

Breathing Troubles 

Now, this one is definitely a scary one! So, if you suddenly find yourself short of breath, wheezing, or experiencing a tightness in your chest, it’s essential to take these symptoms seriously. 

Usually, respiratory issues can be a sign of allergies, especially if they occur in certain environments or after exposure to specific substances. It’s usually nothing that’s too specific either, so it could even be something like a dusty room, a freshly cut lawn, or a new perfume; if your breathing is affected, it’s a red flag.

Itchy Eyes

Are you sick, or are you just having allergies? This is what a lot of people ask themselves with hay fever every spring. But yes, another telltale sign that you might be developing an allergy is the classic combination of itchy eyes and a runny nose. If your eyes feel scratchy or if your nose starts to run like a tap whenever you’re exposed to specific environments or substances, take note. You don’t get this with food, usually with pet dander, pollen, and dust.

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