Changing reality of modern technology

Photo Credit: fauxels via

In our day and age, the progress is too fast for us to comprehend. There are new products and devices on the market daily. The UK market is no exception. Vast online product circulation, stores with all kinds of innovations are available at the touch of a button. We can buy anything we want with a single click. If you’re looking for a cheap 3D printer UK will give you plenty of options. Even if you need a dehumidifier UK can accommodate that desire as well. Even a sack of potatoes can be bought online. 

This availability has interesting implications, or even side effects for our psyche. Here are a few of the most prominent ones. 


  • Shortened attention span 


We humans have an interesting way of perceiving reality. The modern person lives in an overabundance of information, which often leads to a shortened attention span. A rare person nowadays is willing to read a long article, or follow a video that is longer than 7-10 minutes. The format of media has changed. We get our info in bits and snippets, as opposed to substantial digestion. 


  • Lower interest


As primates, our brains are wired to value something on the basis of availability. When a resource is scarce, we tend to value it more, than something we have in spades. Overabundance and availability of products can lead to what we see in consumer behaviour every day. People are buying more than ever. But the use of the purchased products has decreased. We buy clothes we intend to wear only once. We buy food that rots in the fridge. We also buy products that will stay in the box for years. Why? Because it gives us the instant gratification we crave. We purchase not for use, but for that ‘buy it now’ click that will give us the high. The effect, however, wears off quite quickly, so the cycle starts all over again. 


  • Increase in  anxiety levels


For the two main reasons above, a modern person’s anxiety levels shoot through the roof. The nervous system has a hard time handling the overabundance and snaps under pressure. This is especially true for the younger generation. Brain development hasn’t yet adjusted to modern reality and needs more time to adapt and modify the standard procedures. As a result, younger and younger children exhibit symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

So what is the way out of this vortex? The first necessity is to take care of physical and mental health. If you are a responsible adult, you can use all the perks of modern technology, without unhealthy attachment, or dependency. Also, give yourself and your mind  the opportunity to unwind. If meditation is not your cup of tea, you can still  choose to take more walks, sleep with the TV off, and spend more time in the real world, than on social media. Modern technology is the most helpful tool if you use it correctly, and a hook if you are willing to bite the bait.  

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