How Busy Parents Can Take Control of Their Mental Health and Wellbeing

Photo Credit: Ingo Joseph via

When you welcome a baby into the world, it’s not just yourself who you have to depend on. With your little one needing you every step of the way, it’s your job as their parent to provide plenty of love, guidance, and support. While this will come naturally for some parents, others may have difficulty adjusting to their new normal. What’s more, if you’re not giving yourself some ‘me’ time, this can send your stress levels through the roof and hinder your mental wellbeing.

Alongside the diaper changes, night feeds, and everything that goes along with looking after a baby, you do need to factor in some moments for yourself. With that in mind, here are some ways busy parents can prioritise their mental health and wellbeing.

Take Up a Hobby

Just because you’re a parent doesn’t mean you can’t have hobbies outside of the realms of childcare. Whether you enjoy gardening, playing a sport, painting, or dancing, having a hobby to do alongside your parental duties will give you something to look forward to. Taking 1 hour a week to indulge in a hobby can be a brilliant way to reduce stress, lessen anxiety, and be an opportunity to socialise with others. You may have a chance to connect with other parents where you can share tips and tricks too.

Get More Sleep

When you have a baby to look after, you can’t be at your best if you’re running on fumes. Getting a good night’s rest is imperative for your mental health. However, it’s easier said than done. When you’ve got night feeds to do and tantrums to deal with, broken sleep is inevitable. But, there are things you can do to get more shuteye in. For example, nap when your baby naps. Doing so will give you more energy and keep your mental wellbeing in check. When you’re well rested, you will be more alert too which is vital when caring for a newborn.

Try Meditating

If you’re struggling to keep on top of everything when caring for a baby, something has to give if you’re not prioritising your mental health. One way to zone out and bring some peace and calm is by meditating. You can meditate anywhere in the home. If you need 10 minutes, make sure someone is looking after the baby and go to a quiet zone. When you meditate, this instantly brings stress levels down and can help lower blood pressure, anxiety, and heart rate.

Find Time to Relax

Parents need to find time where they can truly chill out. This may involve having a soak in the bath, reading a book, or lounging on the couch watching a movie. For those who smoke, picking up a cigar is believed to reduce stress too. You can look into Tobacco Pipes selection of pipes and cigars. Their top cigars can last for several hours, which gives you plenty of time to rest and relax. Never feel guilty about having some time for yourself. You need it and deserve it!

Talk to Other Parents

Parenthood can feel incredibly isolating. While millions of us are going through it, if you’re the type to not make a fuss, you may feel like you’re on your own. This is not the case! Don’t suffer in silence. Instead, reach out to other parents. Whether you give someone a call, join a forum, or meet other parents in person, having people to talk to who are in the same boat as you can be a huge help and stress reliever. Sharing your stories and experiences can take the weight off your shoulders.

Get Some Fresh Air

When looking after a baby, a large chunk of your time will be spent indoors tending to them. Over time, you will crave some fresh air and sunlight. Make sure you get outside as much as you can. When you feel the fresh air in your lungs and get in touch with nature, this can alleviate stress, reduce anxiety, and help you think more positively. You can take your baby out for a stroll around the neighbourhood too. This will benefit them just as much as you.

Start a Journal

If you have all kinds of thoughts circling around your head, it may be wise to get them down on paper. Many parents find this a cathartic experience. When you have everything written in black and white in front of you, it can help you deal with your emotions better. Starting a journal and documenting your parenting experience can be great to look back on once they’ve all grown up too! Make an effort to write in your journal each day. Whether you’ve had a great day or a tough one, writing it down can be a huge help.

Eat Right

Your mental health and diet are more closely linked than you think. While you may believe an unhealthy diet is more associated with your physical wellbeing, in the sense of gaining weight, your mental health can be hugely affected as a result. If you’re the type of parent who is living on processed food to get through the day, too much fat, salt, and sugar in your diet can increase stress and anxious thoughts. Now is the time to start following a balanced diet. After all, you’ll be a role model to your child, so if they see you only eating junk food, it’s likely they’ll want to follow suit! Make sure you’re eating lots of fruit and veg and cutting down on sweet treats.

Exercise More

The idea of exercise may be the last thing on your mind when looking after a baby, but it’s certainly helpful for your mental health. When you get your heart pumping, your brain releases endorphins. These are feel good chemicals that can boost your mindset and brighten up your day. Whether you go to the gym or work out from home, there are lots of ways to exercise without even realising it!

We appreciate parenthood isn’t easy. There are no right or wrong answers when it comes to the job. However, there are things you can do for yourself that will benefit your mental health and help keep your spirits up. Try out any of the above today and you should find your stress and anxiety decrease.

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