Lifestyle Changes For A Healthier Summer

Photo Credit: Andrea Piacquadio via

Summer is synonymous with healthy living, but how do you turn plans into action? If you’re on a mission to get healthier this summer, we’re here to help. In this guide, we’ll outline the most effective lifestyle changes to make to boost your body, mind and soul in the weeks ahead. 

Being more active

Long days, warm temperatures and blue skies make summer the best time of year to embrace an active lifestyle. We all know that it’s hard to find the energy and motivation to move when it’s cold, dark and grey outside. Seize the opportunity to be more active when it’s bright and sunny. Start small and build your fitness gradually if you’re not used to exercise. Go for a walk every day, start jogging or sign up for a beginner’s yoga, dance, boxing or spin class. Set targets. It’s a great idea to work towards a daily step count, for example, 5,000 or 10,000, depending on your current activity levels and health status. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate exercise every week. Take advantage of the weather and use your weekends to try outdoor activities such as hiking, kayaking and cycling, or explore new hobbies like surfing, trampolining, playing tennis or golf or going rock climbing. 

Regular exercise reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer, depression, osteoporosis, lung disease and heart disease. It also makes you feel great. Moving your body increases dopamine and serotonin levels in your brain and it triggers the release of endorphins, also known as happy hormones.

Giving up bad habits

Do you smoke, or are you thinking about trying to cut down on drinking? Smoking is harmful to almost every organ in the body while drinking too much can elevate the risk of kidney and liver disease, heart disease and some types of cancer. It’s not easy to quit smoking, but there is help available. You can contact your GP or dentist, or visit your local pharmacy to find out more about stop smoking services. Some people buy vapes online to switch from smoking to vaping while others prefer to use group therapy or nicotine replacement. If you’re looking to reduce your alcohol consumption, try 0% drinks, keep some days alcohol-free and change the way you socialise. If you tend to drink because you’re spending time at pubs and bars, for example, mix things up. Go for picnics, organise days out, try new hobbies or plan dinner parties or barbeques at home. Seek advice if you’re worried about how much you drink. 

Supercharging nutrition

Summer is a brilliant time to make changes to your diet. Many of us favour healthier foods when it’s warm outside. Analyse your diet and prioritise good nutrition. Using a food diary app is a fantastic way to learn more about your eating habits and identify positive changes. You may not be aware that your diet lacks fibre or iron, for example, or that you eat too much sugar or salt. Your app will give you an idea of your daily calorie intake and provide nutritional information. Increase your intake of fruit and vegetables, add whole grains and moderate salt, sugar and saturated fat consumption. Look for quick, easy, healthy summer recipes online or start following chefs and foodies on social media to get ideas. 

Summer is finally here, and it’s a fabulous time to make changes to your lifestyle to boost health and well-being. As temperatures increase, try to be more active, address bad habits and improve nutrition. 

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