What to Know About Staffing a Mass Participation Event

Photo Credit: Anthony DELANOIX via www.unsplash.com

When staffing a mass participation event, there are lots of things you need to consider, which we will be taking a closer look at right here.

A mass participation event is supposed to be a friendly and positive event that’s all in the name of a good cause, such as a charity. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people attend such events, and they often include things like marathons, walkathons, and swimathons.

It can also be loosely described as a fitness/endurance event, and one of the downsides to hosting such an event is the potential for a vast number of attendees to get injured or need medical assistance.

This reason alone is why such events must be staffed correctly by a dedicated team of event staff that are trained to offer basic medical assistance. There must be a carefully planned level of medical care on standby to anticipate such medical incidents that often occur at mass participation events around the world.

What to know about staffing mass participation events?

If you are keen to host a mass participation event, such as a marathon, walkathon, or swimathon, one of the most important things that you must take into consideration before organising one of these events is to properly staff the event. It shouldn’t be staffed by any random person who is willing to sign up. Instead, the people who staff such events must have a certain level of medical training and must be prepared for several worst-case scenarios in advance.

If you’re new to hosting mass participation events and find the whole concept of organising an event too daunting but you still have the passion and determination to organise an event, then you may want to seek outside help and look to the professionals. For example, wearemassive.co.uk is just one such example of a company that can easily provide these services.

This trusted organisation has years of experience and will take care of all the hard work so that you don’t have to. They offer a variety of event staffing solutions, and they have a highly experienced community of fit and healthy young workers that can come together as a team to meet the needs of your event. WeAreMassive has staffed major events hosted by some of the biggest brands in the world, such as Adidas and Nike, and they know what they’re doing when it comes to staffing mass participation events.

The staff employed to attend and staff these events are heavily vetted to ensure that you, as a host, get the best possible selection of people to ensure that your event goes down without a hitch.

What kind of things can happen at mass participation events?

Some of the most common injuries that can occur at mass participation events are the following:

  • Dehydration
  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Bruises
  • Broken bones
  • Nose bleeds
  • Fainting/collapse
  • Joint injuries
  • Grazes and cuts

Some injuries can be more serious than others, and it’s inevitable that something like this is going to happen, which is why you should always carefully plan for this by getting the best event staff as possible who are trained to deal with any medical issues/situations that are likely to arise. When left untreated, certain medical issues can have far more serious consequences.

What are mass participation events supposed to achieve?

One of the main purposes of mass participation events is to raise money for certain charitable organisations. Some of the most famous charities in the UK that host the occasional mass participation events are the following:

  • Cancer Research UK
  • John Ambulance
  • Macmillan Cancer Support
  • British Red Cross
  • British Heart Foundation

Some of the other notable charities in the United Kingdom that many of you may already be familiar with by now are the NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children), the Great Ormond Street Hospital, the RSPCA, the Alzheimer’s Society, Prostate Cancer UK, the Royal British Legion, and the WWF. You also have Children in Need, Guide Dogs, Barnardo’s, Keep Britain Tidy, Marie Curie, Save the Children, London’s Air Ambulance, the RSBP, Breast Cancer Care, RNLI Lifeboats, and the National Trust, to name just a few.

You can host your very own mass participation event, and it doesn’t have to involve any of these charities. It can be for a charity of your choice, or it could be for another reason. For example, you may want to help build a school in a poor region of the world. You may want to try and donate the latest medical equipment to your local hospital, or you may want to help build something else or simply give back to your community in any other way. There are many reasons why you could want to organise a mass participation event. The most important thing to remember is that they are staffed correctly.

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