Why wooden toys are important for child development: A look at the benefits of natural materials

Photo Credit: cottonbro studio via www.pexels.com

Non-organically produced toys contain toxic materials such as PVC, BPA, and lead paint. In contrast, toys made of natural materials like wood don’t contaminate your house with toxins, making your child’s surroundings a safer place.

Creating an optimal setting for your children can encourage healthy and peaceful minds. A space with natural toys creates a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere. As a result, you will soon notice that your kids are less easily distracted and more relaxed. Toys made from natural materials are better for the environment and health. Therefore, below we will discuss some benefits of choosing wooden toys for your kids.

Benefits of toys made of natural materials

They are safer

The very first thing to consider when choosing a toy for your child is its safety. Protecting our children from dangerous items, which are all around us these days, is a normal maternal instinct. Although we cannot entirely remove all harmful elements, we have to do our best to minimise their presence and impact on our kids. Giving toys with toxic components to babies and toddlers is particularly risky since they have the tendency to put everything in their mouths. As an alternative, wooden toys are not only organic, but also non-toxic, and antibacterial. Thus, you can be confident that your child won’t ingest any poisonous chemicals from the toys.

They are eco-friendly

Parents nowadays are more informed and concerned about the environment. They worry not only about poisonous materials in toys but also about their potential negative environmental impact. As a result, many parents are committed to using environmentally friendly and recyclable items, which is why they prefer natural toys made of wood. These toys don’t hurt the environment since they don’t leave any toxic traces.

They last longer

People often give, inherit, and pass on wooden toys in their families for a reason. They are almost indestructible, as long as you take care of them properly. Children explore toys in different ways; for infants and toddlers, this may include frequent mouthing, tossing, and rolling. That is why safety is an important factor when selecting toys for children. For infants and young children, wood is one of the safest materials found in nature. Therefore, we should choose toys that will withstand the test of time and remain safe.

They don’t cause skin diseases

Infants and children who put toys in their mouths may consume toxins that can cause dermatitis or eczema. Toys made of neutral materials don’t have such harmful properties.

They educate

In addition to being safer, wooden toys can help develop important skills such as cause-and-effect, decision-making, logical reasoning, and problem-solving. Let’s now explore the benefits of wooden toys for a child’s development in more detail.

Why wooden toys are beneficial for your children

Straightforward, expertly built wooden toys can spark a child’s curiosity and creativity.

They improve sensory development, stimulate cognitive growth, and develop motor skills

Natural toys are crucial for a child’s general development. According to studies on children’s learning and development, touching and sensing the surface, shape, and size of wooden toys help children activate neurological connections in their brains that improve their memory and increase their capacity to complete challenging learning tasks. For instance, wood has a natural ability to heat up and retain that heat. It is a helpful extension of play for kids because they learn about the world through touch, sight, smell, and taste.

Also, when kids pick up, lift, stack, balance, and classify wooden toys and blocks, they learn to reason logically and draw conclusions that promote their cognitive development and the evolution of their fine motor skills.

They reduce stress

Plastic or brightly coloured toys can overstimulate, stress, or even exhaust a kid, but the simple, unobtrusive design of wooden toys is calming. Wooden toys provide children with superior imaginative play in a harmonious environment than any other type of toy.

They promote sharing

Effectively interacting and cooperating with other kids is a crucial part of child development. Simple wooden toys like building blocks encourage sharing with a buddy as children form new friendships, exchange ideas, listen, and develop empathy for one another.

They introduce children to maths and physics

Building and balancing wooden blocks requires dexterity, hand-eye coordination, and a ton of fine motor control. Moreover, they improve mathematical skills such as identification and pattern matching.

Children should concentrate on using their hands and eyes at the same time to assemble and balance the various pieces because there are no magnets or connecting mechanisms to keep the blocks locked together. Children learn early physics lessons when they add a tower block to a tower that collapses or when they watch a ball slide down a ramp.

They inspire

Wooden toys are ideal for building brand-new worlds. You can transform blocks and other wooden toys into whatever object a youngster desires, and they can track a child’s growth from straightforward symbolic play to sophisticated creative play. Children may use their own developing imaginations to build, innovate, tinker, make-believe, and create, whether they are creating a city, driving a wooden vehicle around, or constructing a train track that extends from room to room.

To summarise

Natural toys have a certain antique appeal that makes them both cosy and intriguing. Children may play with them for hours on end because they are open-ended. Natural toys are simple in their basic shapes, but they are also incredibly beneficial for children’s growth due to their adaptability and charming character.

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