Moving to the UK from Australia: What You Need to Know

Photo Credit: liushuquan via

In this article, we’ll be running through everything you need to know about moving to the UK from Australia…

Moving to the UK from Australia is a big challenge, as you’re heading across the world to a completely different country. But let me tell you, it can be an incredibly rewarding life decision.

There are definitely a few important things you should know about making this move. First of all, preparation is key, and a good starting point is exploring the different visa options, including indefinite leave to remain application.

To help with your preparation, below we will be delving into the intricacies of what you need to know in greater detail to ensure a smooth relocation.

Visa Requirements

Obviously, the first consideration for anybody looking to move to the UK from Australia will be Visa requirements. You will need to have the correct documentation if you wish to remain in the UK legally, and this is a lot of paperwork.

You need to take a look on the government website to find the UK Visa which is relevant to your situation. You will then need to check the entry requirements for that Visa to see if you meet them. If you are uncertain how to approach this, seek legal support with an Australian service.


Healthcare in the UK is a little bit different to other parts of the world. The UK has the NHS, which is a national health service available to anybody living in the country. As a UK citizen, you are eligible for free healthcare under certain parts of the NHS.

However, with that being said, there may be some areas of healthcare you are not entitled to as someone who has come from Australia. Therefore, it’s often recommended that you have private health insurance to compensate for the coverage that you can’t get through the NHS. This may include things like dental work.


Before you come to the UK, you need to look at accommodation. There are plenty of housing options in the UK that are available if you have the money to spend. Most Australians coming to the UK permanently will rent for the first few months or years.

However, renting may not be a long-term option, so if that is what you are after, you should take a look for permanent housing. House prices in the UK can be quite expensive, but there are government schemes that can help with this, and if you have a high-paying job, you should be fine.


As a new citizen of the UK, you will be expected to find employment. The UK job market is quite competitive, so it’s worth having a job offer ready to go before you move.

Generally speaking, the more qualified you are, the better chance you will find securing a nice job. There are many sectors in the UK which are always looking for an influx of qualified people. It’s worth looking to see if your career in Australia is available in the UK and making a natural transition.

Finances and Taxes

Moving to the UK means getting to grips with the UK tax system. Your financial situation needs to be taken care of before you move. You will want to take a look at opening a UK bank account.

Depending on your situation, you may need to inform the government in Australia that you are moving to the UK and speak to them about handling any tax issues that may occur. It’s your job to deal with all of this before you come over, so keep it in mind.

Climate and Culture

Those wishing to move to the UK from Australia may find that the change in climate and culture is a bit of a shock. The first thing you should understand about the UK is that the temperatures are much cooler on average than Australia. The other thing to know is that we get a lot of rain.

You should also take a look at British customs and culture to help you better assimilate into your new life. There are some similarities with Australian culture as the UK and Australia have had a unique relationship over the years. However, it’s best to carefully research your chosen area of residence before you move over.

Moving to the UK

Moving to the UK from Australia is a great adventure and definitely, something we can recommend doing. However, it’s also a big life decision and you should plan it very carefully.

With that being said, taking the time to research and speak to a legal advisor will pay dividends later on. The last thing you want to do is run into an unexpected issue that stops you from moving to the UK.

The information contained within this article is meant as advice for anybody, looking to move to the UK from Australia. It is not an acceptable substitution for legal counsel in both the UK and Australia to make your move.

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