Tips to Help You Get the Most Out of Your Trip to Venice

Photo Credit: Ricardo Gomez Angel via

Europe is packed full of amazing places to visit and explore, and you could spend a lifetime wandering through the cities and countryside of the continent. Venice is one of the most famous cities in the world, and for good reason. 

While it’s not a capital city or even very big, Venice is a cultural powerhouse. It’s most famous for the canals that run through the city and the stunning architecture. Whether you visit often or this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, here are some tips and hacks for your next Venice trip.

Accommodation and Travel

Venice is a small city, which means it’s easy to get around. Ideally, you should find accommodation near the city centre, so you can get to different parts of the city without any concerns. You can walk to a lot of the city this way, which saves money and allows you to explore different places.

If you need to get around, try the water bus or Vaporettos for the cheapest public transport option. Even better, this will let you experience the famous canals and you can get about very quickly. Taxis offer a more private option.

Packing Luggage

What you pack largely depends on what time of year you visit Venice. Venetian winters are cold and damp, while the summers are hot and humid. During the Spring and Autumn, Venice is a lot more mild, although you can’t discount the possibility of rain.

Bring comfortable clothes and shoes for walking in. You’re going to be walking a lot, as cars are in very low supply in Venice. If you want to go to a fancy restaurant, bring appropriate clothing. Shorts and trainers aren’t ideal for an evening meal out at a cocktail bar, unfortunately. If you’re going to the beach, which is a great idea, bring bathing things.

As with any trip, don’t forget the essentials like medication, toiletries, chargers, and your travel documentation.

Dump Your Bags

If you do plan on walking around or hopping in and out of boats as you explore the city, you might consider luggage storage in Venice

This is an especially good option if you’re in Venice for a day trip and don’t have any accommodation to store your luggage nearby. It’s a simple and inexpensive service, but it will take a literal and figurative weight off your shoulders.

You can also use this service to drop off shopping bags and other heavy objects in a convenient area, freeing you up for the day ahead.


Venice is at its absolute best when you get lost. The good news is that you’re probably going to get lost a lot. It’s an old city, which means plenty of winding roads and alleyways. But getting lost is part of the charm of a city like Venice.

Thankfully, in the days of Google Maps, you’re probably always going to be able to get back to your accommodation. But don’t be afraid to spend a day (or more) wandering without a set plan. You’re probably always going to find something beautiful and interesting, and you get to experience Venice without rushing around with an itinerary in hand.

This is why Venice is one of those cities you should spend time in. At least try to stay for a weekend so you can have time to relax.

While there are some very famous sites in Venice that are worth visiting, they aren’t all Venice has to offer. The famous places are likely to be crowded and noisy, whereas the hidden gems are much more peaceful.

You should also look for local artisan shops wherever possible. Venice has a rich history of stunning and skilful craftsmanship, so if you want a souvenir, this is the place to find something that really matters.

Try The Local Food

This is a great tip for when you visit anywhere, let alone a beautiful city in Italy. Always look for places where the locals eat. This is where you’re more likely to get the tastiest food and for the best value.

Ask people where they recommend. Reviews and recommendations on the internet come in handy, but local knowledge will always win out. Talk to people and you never know what you might find out.

As well as great little cafes and restaurants, you’ll also be able to explore some fantastic and extremely affordable places to drink.

Riding a Gondola

Some people have mixed feelings about riding a gondola in Venice. It is an expensive experience, but it’s also just that. An experience. There aren’t many opportunities in life to ride a gondola, so it might be worth the expense.

If you choose to go for a gondola ride, speak to your gondolier beforehand. If you don’t speak Italian, it’s best to find someone who can speak very good English, especially if you want to talk on your trip. If you want a song, ask in advance. Ask about the route.

If it’s not for you, don’t worry about it. There are plenty of other things to see and experience in Venice. You can still see the gondolas in the canals from the bridges and pavements.

Learn Italian

As a general rule, it’s a good idea to pick up some of the local language wherever you travel. Native English speakers are fortunate in a lot of ways, because many people tend to learn English as a second or third language. But this definitely doesn’t mean everyone will speak English.

You don’t need to be fluent in Italian to get by in Venice, and language apps can help. But it’s still helpful to learn a few words before you travel. 

Learn greetings. Even if you can’t have a conversation, people will appreciate the attempt to speak their language. It’s also a good idea to learn basic questions and directions, so you’re better able to get around. Finally, learn how to ask people if they speak English.

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