Top Tips For Staying Comfortable on Long-Haul Flights

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Jason Toevs via

Air travel provides an extremely fast and convenient way of getting from one side of the planet to another. But long-haul flights aren’t always comfortable, particularly if your budget won’t stretch to business class. If you’re going to have the best possible experience on a long-haul flight, it’s worth following a few key tips.

Choose the Right Seat

Where you sit matters. Certain seats, such as those by the exit, will offer extra legroom. If you’re sitting beside an aisle, then you might have the chance to stretch your legs more easily, too, which can be extremely beneficial.

Of course, for the best possible seats, you might need to charter your own plane. If comfort is a priority, a private jet quote is worth considering for your next long-haul journey.

Dress Comfortably

You might be sitting in the same position for hours on end. That means comfort matters more than looks. Look for loose, breathable fabrics and clothes that can be easily taken off and put back on as the temperature in the cabin changes.

If you’re worried about the risk of medical conditions like deep vein thrombosis, then you might look into special compression socks, which squeeze your leg and reduce the risk. Of course, even if you do this, it’s still worth getting up and moving around every hour to limit the risk. More on that shortly.

Stay Hydrated

If you aren’t hydrated, then you’ll be at risk of headaches and other problems. It’s worth taking onboard fluids before the flight, but avoid alcohol and caffeine since both can act as diuretics, causing you to visit the toilet sooner and become more dehydrated. Of course, you won’t be able to bring large drink bottles through security, but you can buy them inside the departure lounge. Stock up before boarding!

Bring Essential Comfort Items

Remaining comfortable throughout the flight means taking on a few luxury items. Noise-cancelling headphones and a blanket can often be enough. You’ll be able to snuggle down and listen to a favourite podcast. The right book might also serve the same purpose.

Move Around and Stretch

We’ve already touched on the importance of getting up every now and again. You might take a rigid approach to this, setting an alarm and getting up at hourly intervals. You can also perform exercises without getting out of your chair. Ankle raises and knee hugs can be particularly effective.

Of course, you mustn’t disturb other passengers during the performance of these exercises. Be mindful of the people around you, and, if necessary, wait for an appropriate gap before getting up and going for a walk.

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